Aunar el amor de tu vida con la pasión de tu vida, siendo ambos vulcanólogos con un ansia irrefrenable de conocimiento por la naturaleza, y retratarlo en fotogramas durante casi 20 años, da como resultado un trabajo finísimo de costura detallista por parte de a la hora de encajar las piezas de tu historia. es precioso de ver y de oír (la banda sonora es el marco perfecto).

#nationalgeographic #cinedocumental #dirigidopormujeres #directedbywoman #cinemastodon #cine #FireOfLove #saradosa

Last updated 2 years ago

Cheryl 🌧 · @atmocheryl
80 followers · 18 posts · Server

Just finished watching "Fire of Love" with @astrosherie - a National Geographic documentary by filmmaker Sara Dosa about the love story, lives, and research of Katia and Maurice Krafft (featuring oodles of spectacular vintage footage of erupting ) 🌋 We found it very moving, enthralling, and occasionally shocking, but overall highly recommend it!

#FireOfLove #volcanoes #volcanologists

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Gorber · @filmfest
2 followers · 5 posts · Server

This movie is indeed fantastic - kudos to the team, here's my original review of the film up at @POVmagazine
RT @CriticsChoice
Congratulations to crew behind Fire of Love. The documentary has won the Documentary Award for Best Archival Documentary. @natgeodocs @neonrated …

#disneyplus #FireOfLove #documentaryawards #documentary #criticschoice

Last updated 2 years ago