Sigma · @sigmasternchen
86 followers · 1847 posts · Server

Gebt mir mal Input:
Ich suche für ein kleines privates Projekt eine möglichst billige Möglichkeit, Daten in der Cloud abzulegen. Format ist strukturiert und kann entweder JSON oder relational sein. Blob Storage ist dafür eher ungeeignet.
Datenmenge ist so im MiB-Bereich, mit ein paar tausend R/W Zugriffen im Monat.

Gerne auch mit Begründung. 😋

Danke schonmal. 😅

#aws #gcp #azure #Cloud #sql #nosql #document #store #Firestore #CosmosDB #DynamoDB

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcel · @marcel
1477 followers · 423 posts · Server

Do you know of any good tutorials on how to send notifications to an app when something in changes? I can't seem to find anything that's on a level I'm able to grok.

#firebase #iOS #Firestore

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcel · @marcel
1437 followers · 335 posts · Server


I have 100-200 documents every single user needs to load from the database.

They don't change that often. I'd like to cache them somehow.

Idea 1) Save them locally in UserDefaults and only fetch updates when lastUpdatedDate changes. Problem: I don't know how to encode Firestore objects to save them to UserDefaults.

Idea 2) Firestore Bundles! They seem to be THE answer but require Node.js knowledge and a server.

Am I missing something obvious?

#firebase #Firestore #swift

Last updated 2 years ago

Eivind Savio · @EivindSavio
14 followers · 7 posts · Server

GA4 Item List Attribution powered by Server-side GTM (Template) & Firestore.

Result is pretty similar to what GA(3) Enhanced Ecommerce reports.

Working to see if I can get the number of Firestore Reads reduced without reducing the tracking.

#ga4 #Firestore #sgtm

Last updated 2 years ago

Munai · @enamu
10 followers · 77 posts · Server

Knowing what can be done and what CAN'T be done is not easy for a beginner.

#flutterflow #Firestore

Last updated 2 years ago

Anybody up for a blazing fast alternative SDK for , Auth, and Storage? Samuel Gozi has reduced the bundle size to about 6KB and drastically sped up performance 😮

It hasn't reached feature parity yet though and stuff like real-time DB bindings are still missing but this is exciting nonetheless for all devs using firebase right now.

#firebase #Firestore

Last updated 5 years ago