One of mine.
The UK is dotted with public access defibrillators, all paid for by local individuals, charities, or companies. They are not officially provided. But you are rarely more than a 2 minute walk from one.
This one is on the wall of the local supermarket.
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Bob Harvey -
#defibrillator #peterborough #FirstAid #health #Geograph
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Would You Rather Have Woody Allen Give You the Heimlich, or Choke to Death? #Jezebel #everyonesaysiloveyou #saturdaynightlive #abdominalthrusts #clinicalmedicine #alandershowitz #jeandoumanian #drewbarrymore #andrewstein #woodyallen #heimlich #firstaid #medicine #maneuver #choking #allens #albums
#jezebel #everyonesaysiloveyou #saturdaynightlive #abdominalthrusts #clinicalmedicine #alandershowitz #jeandoumanian #drewbarrymore #andrewstein #woodyallen #heimlich #FirstAid #medicine #maneuver #choking #allens #albums
Looking back 10 years and I find myself finishing off the setting up of Heartstart Thatcham (April/May 2013) to help teach CPR & other Emergency Life Support Skills. Sadly closed in 2021 ( / 8 years in total, over 2,300 trained, 60+ defibrillators placed, thousands spoken to, & much more. I still try to educate people with the skills with talks and the odd bit of training. #firstaid
RT @EmilyOliver143
Switching publisher can feel like a marathon for a small, volunteer-run academic journal like @ijfaeducation but we did it! Thanks to all who helped make it happen @UVALibrary @AperioUVA @jumpnjeffrey @ubiquitypress #OpenAccess #FirstAid #humanitarian
#openaccess #FirstAid #humanitarian
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Random Old Comic: Art Error #xp #blades #defensor #firstaid #groove #hotspot #mainframe #rook #streetwise #transformers
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#trainingcourses #diplomacourses #inspirit #fireandindustrialsafetymanagement #RiskAssessment #FirstAid #prenebosh
Boy, 8, saved his choking mum weeks after first-aid training
#stjohnambulance #FirstAid #lifesaver #award #bolton
ഇന്ത്യയിലും വിദേശത്തും ഉയർന്ന ശമ്പളത്തിൽ നിരവധി തൊഴിൽ സാധ്യതകൾ ഉള്ള ജോലി നേടാൻ മികച്ച കോഴ്സ് തിരയുകയാണോ നിങ്ങൾ. എങ്കിൽ കുറഞ്ഞ ചിലവിൽ IOSH, OSHA, FIRST AID കോഴ്സുകൾ ഇപ്പോൾതന്നെ തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കൂ. സേഫ്റ്റി മേഖലയിൽ മികച്ച ഒരു ഭാവി പടുത്തുയർത്താം.
Kerala's leading NEBOSH, IOSH, OSHA training center
Inspirit Safety Solutions Pvt Ltd
For Enquiries :
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#iosh #osha #FirstAid #inspiritsafetysolutions #neboshtraining #nebosh #neboshigc
Had to be done, I love my #firstaid and especially have a place for anything heart related. So had to do it, a mechanical heart of the future made with #stablediffusion #aiart
#FirstAid #stablediffusion #aiart
My #FirstAid thought for the day - It is #StrokePreventionDay - take time out to learn (1) about your pulse and (2) what to do if you suspect someone has had a stroke
#FirstAid #strokepreventionday
@ferricoxide I'd just be happy if medical dramas on TV started showing the absolutely necessary neck tilt you need to do first to open the person's airway before breathing into them while doing CPR. I've seen a lot of representations of CPR in TV and film, and NEVER ONCE have I seen the neck tilt first responders teach that you have to do. #CPR #FirstAid #TV #television
#cpr #FirstAid #tv #television
The teammates who witnessed the CPR performed on #DamarHamlin in last night's #NFL game probably heard his sternum and ribs cracking or breaking, which is not uncommon when doing CPR properly. You're trying to squeeze the heart through thick bone so it keeps pumping the last oxygenated breath through the body. Most folks don't know that cracked or broken ribs are a predictable side effect of deep chest compressions, so witnessing CPR can be very traumatic. #CPR #FirstAid #football #BuffaloBills
#damarhamlin #nfl #cpr #FirstAid #football #BuffaloBills
Coming up to the holidays so a #FirstAid thought for you, there are many online resources to learn a few simples skills (Cardiac arrest, AED, Heart Attack, etc...), why not try one over the holiday period, simple skills that can and do save lives:
#BHF -
#FirstAid #BHF #ResusUK #BritishRedCross
First Aid trainings are super informative. Didn’t know there so much to take care if during emergencies.
#FirstAidKit #FirstAid #emergency
#FirstAid thought for today - learn some simple acronyms to help you in an emergency. For example I use DRS<C>ABC - Danger, Response, Shout for help, <Catastrophic bleeding>, Airway, Breathing, Circulation - there are variations/extensions on this but generally. See,