I am deeply grateful towards the many colleagues @PIK_climate, @MCC_Berlin, the Hertie School & other places from whom I learned a lot. Special thanks to #OttmarEdenhofer, an inspiring & thoroughly decent mentor along the way. They all helped beating the improbable #firstgen odds.
“Emphasizing the skills and abilities that these folks clearly have demonstrated can change how we think about their current and future potential.”
holizzz. una breve #introduccion en #es!
mi nombre es daniel, pero mis amigos me llaman taco. en la mayoria de los sitios me conocen como @takouhai. 🌮
soy un ingeniero de sistemas de sitios web. me gustan los #juegos, #anime, #música, #tecnología, etc. me verás postear mucho sobre #selfhosting y cosas de #linux. 🐧
soy #latino / #latine ! mi sangre viene de la #grancolombia. soy bilingüe, #en / #es. #ecuador #venezuela #colombia #firstgen 🇪🇨🇨🇴🇻🇪
¡espero hacer muchos amigos aqui! 👋
#Introduccion #es #juegos #anime #musica #tecnologia #selfhosting #linux #latino #latine #grancolombia #en #ecuador #venezuela #colombia #FirstGen
https://www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/blog/2023/07/06/michela-massimi-wins-the-2023-lakatos-award/ Thrilled that my ‘Perspectival Realism’ has won the 2023 Lakatos Award 🥳. As a #FirstGen academic, this milestone is in memory of my father and my grandparents 💕. Their situated artisanal know-how on olive oil producing, fruit harvesting and beekeeping run deep as a theme in the book. The book is dedicated to my wonderful husband Mark and our son Edward for making possible everything I have achieved 💕💕
Way too late because I started my new job in April but here‘s my updated #introduction:
I'm an applied mathematician enthusiastic about science in general and maths, imaging & ai (not only the methods but also the ethical implications) in particular.
I'm #firstgen, passionate about #equalopportunities & #sciencecommunication. Currently working as a postdoc in the image analysis group at the Centre for AI in Public Health Research, @RKI. Co-founder of @hermathsstory.
#introduction #FirstGen #EqualOpportunities #sciencecommunication
As children, my grandparents were deported to Kazakhstan b/c they were of German origin from Poland and Ukraine. They never finished school and were so proud when I graduated. I think about them every single day. 🥲
1/2 I currently use RME's #firstgen #fireface UFX #audiointerface on #linux and am beyond satisfied with it. However, should I ever be in the need of a new interface, I'd be intrigued to get the latest UFX III iteration of their #flagship #soundcard, because...
#soundcard #flagship #Linux #AudioInterface #fireface #FirstGen
Brittly #Introduction continued: I like to use writing as a tool to advocate for change & feel it is one of the most powerful ways I can advocate in my current (very vulnerable) career stage. Last year, I co-authored an article with my MD/PhD cohort-mate Danielle Sawyer, advocating for increasing adcomm awareness/appreciation for the extreme hoops we have to go through as #FirstGen/#LowIncome premedical students. DM me if you wanna co-write something too! #MedMastodon https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1246
#introduction #FirstGen #MedMastodon
Brittly #Introduction continued: I am a #CommunityCollege alum from a #LowIncome background & #FirstGen college graduate. I am the only physician-to-be & scientist in my family. I also proudly identify as disabled and queer. The road has been hard af, to be honest! I will use my career to make science & medicine more accessible, making medical education/higher education a smoother path for CC students. My DMs are open if you need someone to proofread statements or just need to vent #MedMastodon
#introduction #communitycollege #lowincome #FirstGen #MedMastodon
Brittly #Introduction continued: I am a #CommunityCollege alum, from a #LowIncome background, & #FirstGen college graduate. I am the only physician-to-be & scientist in my family. I also proudly identify as disabled and queer. The road has been hard af, to be honest! I will use my career make science & medicine more accessible, making medical education/higher education a smoother path for CC students. My DMs are open if you need someone to proofread statements or just need to vent. #MedMastodon
#introduction #communitycollege #lowincome #FirstGen #MedMastodon
RT @InaBeintner
Das Problem in der Wissenschaft beginnt schon in der Promotionsphase.
Ein exemplarischer Thread 🧵
Ich was hier bisher recht still. Das ändert sich nun!
Es lag daran, dass ich meine Diss „Inklusive Balladenkulturdidaktik“ (Design-Based Research Studie) zu Ende geschrieben habe. Gedruckt und raus damit! Es kullerten ein paar Freundentränen, bin total happy #phdlife #FirstGen #wisskomm
RT @DrKimEBarrett
Growing up poor left me isolated in academia—until I began to share my story https://www.science.org/content/article/growing-poor-left-me-isolated-academia-until-i-began-share-my-story#.ZDDLwuFVBjU.twitter. Important story about the “hidden minority” in academia. We need to avoid assuming all have access to the cultural curriculum #firstgen #firstgenfaculty
RT @Gen_Pov
As a #firstgen, many thx @JasonDeParle @nytimes covering U.S. #immigrant experiences, #income & #socialsafetynets access. Grateful to @RWJF for funding #EITC #latino research & @Health_Affairs publication w/ @DanaLThomson @YiyuCh @luisbasurto; w/ more research forthcoming! https://twitter.com/DukeChildPol/status/1644014256759910402
#FirstGen #immigrant #income #socialsafetynets #EITC #latino
Powerhouse @annastansbury of #MITsloan and #PIIE presents her research at EfIP on socioeconomic diversity of the econ profession.
—> https://www.piie.com/publications/working-papers/socioeconomic-diversity-economics-phds
US PhDs in #economics least likely of *any* PhD discipline to have parents who are #firstgen college grads
#mitsloan #piie #economics #FirstGen
You guys, I am the first Dr. Shanovich, PhD EVER. 😭
My family is so excited y'all have no idea!
#EasternEuropeanInSTEM #croatian #WomenInSTEM #phdvoice #phdchat #firstgen
RT @Amelia_Lindsey
The BIGGEST congrats to the freshly minted DOCTOR @hshanovich!!!! Hailey has already published several of her dissertation chapters on pests of hazelnut (and there are more in the pipeline!) — you can read about all the cool things she’s do…
#easterneuropeaninstem #croatian #womeninSTEM #phdvoice #phdchat #FirstGen
RT @GarrettGarbo
Some advice from a recently matched #firstgen student to others prepping for #Match2024: nobody told me the importance of info sessions! Check out social media specifically and attend as many as you can. I missed the first half of the season because I had no clue it was a thing!
#IchBinHanna - und ich möchte keine #Anschlusszusage in einem Universitätssystem, in dem #IchBinReyhan ausgeschlossen ist, #IchBinTina unter #Machtmissbrauch leidet und in dem Geld/Drittmittel wichtiger sind als Forschungsergebnisse.
👉 Ich wünsche den Verantwortlichen den Mut zu einer ECHTEN #Hochschulreform!!
#IchBinHanna und #IchBinReyhan und #IchBinTina und #FirstGen und #LGBTQ und #Migrant*in und #IchBinArmutsbetroffen, weil meine wissenschaftliche Arbeit nur mit Teilzeitlöhnen vergütet wird, und ich bin alle anderen, die seit Jahrzehnten unter den strukturellen Missständen an deutschen Unis leiden!
Liebe Ampel, das deutsche Universitätssystem sollte im 21. Jahrhundert ankommen - packt es an! Wir wünschen uns eine umfassende #Hochschulreform!
#IchbinHanna #Anschlusszusage #IchbinReyhan #IchBinTina #machtmissbrauch #Hochschulreform #FirstGen #lgbtq #migrant #IchBinArmutsbetroffen
RT @yetunrefined
#FirstGen Friends, tell me the unwritten rules/culture you weren't privy to when you first started college. I'm giving a talk on Saturday, and I want to make sure I haven't forgotten any! Undergrad seems like such a long time ago...