The LezWatch.TV show of the day is "First Kill," with 3 characters and a show score of 58.75 #LWTVsotd #FirstKill -
Este programa, com ja vam adelantar, el dediquem als nostres #GuiltyPleasures així que ens centrem en la saga #APorTodas ( #BringItOn ), i les sèries #FirstKill i #Psych
Si coneixeu del que parlem, probablement entendreu d'on ve la culpabilitat de que ens agrade. I si no, no passa res que nosaltres fem la explicació corresponent!
Com sempre, capítol a iVoox, Spotify, Apple Podcast i Google Podcast
I vosaltres? També teniu pecats que confessar?
#guiltypleasures #aportodas #bringiton #FirstKill #psych
Schaue gerade die erste Folge von #FirstKill auf Netflix. Irgendwie hookt mich das gar nicht.
Netflix hat ne zeitlang innovative und sehr eindrucksvolle Filme und Serien gemacht.
Aber das hier ist wieder Mal billiger, plakativer Murks.
Als böse klassifizierte weiße Vampire werden von POC Monsterjägern gejagt. Das ganze in eine lesbische Lovestory a la Romeo und Julia gehüllt. Alles sehr überemotional und einfallslos.
Nicht falsch verstehen, POCs waren lange unterrepräsentiert in
Nein, Schuld ist immer noch mangelnde Kompetenz der Verantwortlichen!
Erfolg misst man nicht nach knapp drei Wochen! Kein Mensch der Welt hat die Zeit bei der Masse an Filmen und Serien alles sofort zu konsumieren! Lasst uns Zeit verdammt!
#Netflix #SaveWarriorNun #Save1899
Mangelnder Erfolg ist laut #Netflix an der Absetzung von #WarriorNun, #1899Netflix und #FirstKill Schuld
#netflix #savewarriornun #save1899 #warriornun #1899netflix #FirstKill
I was supposed to have this #introduction out last year but it has taken me some time to learn this platform. And of course I’m still learning where everything comes from. I had no idea everything was connected and not just restricted to the server you signed up with. Love that I have fandom after my @.
I love tv shows, reading, and books. In that order. I write a bit but I’ve never gotten to the novel length writing that I’d love to do one day. You’ll probably find most of my post will be about something regarding one of those topics or video games. I’ve been writing more review on things I’ve watched lately and love seeing what discourse comes from them. Trakt is an amazing app.
I’m heavy into my fandoms; which change as I expose myself to new tv, movies, or books. Currently I read a lot of #fanfiction for #OUAT , #Supergirl , and #glee. Recently watched #FirstKill and #warriornun firmly in the camp to save both but that’s mainly because I can’t get enough of Talia/Margot and Beatrice.
#introduction #fanfiction #OUAT #supergirl #glee #FirstKill #warriornun
#CancelNetflix Netflix really hates sapphic representation. #WarriorNun #FirstKill #TeenageBountyHunter so many more… feeling some rage about this.
#cancelnetflix #warriornun #FirstKill #TeenageBountyHunter
I wish #Shadowhunters #FirstKill #the100 etc fandoms get active here
#the100 #FirstKill #Shadowhunters
Three of my favourite TV series from the past several years all came out on Netflix, but sadly two of them were cancelled after one season. I am still mourning.
#FirstKill #shera #iamnotokaywiththis #queer
I write fanfic on#AO3 for #Supercorp #Supergirl #Dansen #DCComics #DCU
Follow for #Lesbian #Sapphic #Gay #Bi #Trans #Queer #LGBTQ #KatieMcGrath #MelissaBenoist #WynonnaEarp #Earpers #E4L #Wayhaught #WarriorNun #Avatrice #Avalance #Harlivy #SavePaperGirls #PaperGirls #ALOTO #ALOTORenewal #SaveFirstKill #FirstKill #SaveTheWilds #TheWilds #SciFi #Fantasy #Nerd #Writing #Fanfic #FanArt #Art #TV #Movies
I'm #FlippingTheBird aka a #TwitterQuitter
For politics & liberal stuff...
#Supercorp #supergirl #dansen #dccomics #dcu #lesbian #sapphic #gay #bi #trans #queer #lgbtq #KatieMcGrath #MelissaBenoist #wynonnaearp #Earpers #E4L #Wayhaught #WarriorNun #Avatrice #Avalance #Harlivy #SavePaperGirls #papergirls #ALOTO #ALOTORenewal #SaveFirstKill #FirstKill #SaveTheWilds #TheWilds #scifi #fantasy #nerd #writing #fanfic #fanart #art #tv #movies #FlippingTheBird #twitterquitter
Ah well, #Netflix has cancelled everyone's favorite #lesbian #vampire TV show, #FirstKill.
C'est la vie.
#netflix #lesbian #vampire #FirstKill