#firstlines are very important, of course, but what about last lines? Got any favourites, from your own work or others'?
This is my current WIP, a parting between two characters who've been through quite a lot together but now don't know if they'll ever see ecah other again. (To them, at this moment, it looks unlikely, but I'm the author and I'm reserving judgement.)
"Survival: 'Well, Ace,' said the Doctor, 'I never thought it would end like this. You give the Master this can of Wiskas while I empty out his litter tray.'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
'Terror of the Vervoids: 'Oh no, Doctor - what are those things?', 'I don't know, Mel, but I'm going to be very careful describing them let me tell you.'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"The Twin Dilemma: 'In his fifth incarnation, the Doctor had a pleasant open face. Now in his sixth, it had been replaced with an unpleasant open mouth.'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"Time-Flight: ‘Kalid looked into the milky whiteness of the globe, and didn’t look anything like Anthony Ainley after a questionable decision to cosplay Charlie Chan.’” #DoctorWho #FirstLines
“The Reign of Terror: ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Musk had lost billions, but no-one could log on to the internet any more.’” #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"The Deadly Assassin: 'Hey Mary Whitehouse: f*ck you!'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
“Invasion of Time: 'There it is, Leela, Gallifrey. My home planet. Home of the Time Lords. If you ever meet a woman called Sarah-Jane Smith, DO NOT tell her I let you come here.’” #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"Trial of a Time-Lord: Mind-Warp - Peri sighed as the TARDIS landed on another unknown world, in another unknown galaxy. You know what, she thought, I'm tired of being able to travel anywhere in apace and time, of excitement and adventure. What I really want is to spend the rest of my life being bellowed at by a man with the loudest voice in the universe." #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"Timewyrm: Genesis - 'Ace breasted boobily into the TARDIS console room, wearing nothing but her bra and knickers. "Oy, Professor: how the c**ting f*ck do you pronounce 'wyrm'?" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"Dalek Invasion of Earth: 'As he saw the sign reading DO NOT THROW BODIES INTO THE RIVER, the Doctor realised that whatever period of history the Ship had brought them to this time, the Tories were still in power." #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"Planet of the Daleks: 'Hi, Terry Nation here. Enclosed is a copy of the scripts for The Daleks - can I leave it to you to go through and rename one of the characters Tarrant?'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"This is for Remembrance of the Daleks. ‘Ace’, said the Doctor. 'Do you remember the Daleks?'" #DoctorWho #FirstLines
"We turn now to a round called #FirstLines. #DoctorWho episodes have been novelised since the nineteen sixties, and authors of the ranges often made changes to improve the stories from the television versions: when Time and the Rani was novelised, for example, Pip and Jane Baker submitted a copy of Doctor Who and the Ark in Space by Ian Marter instead.”
@CatherineRussell2 Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, it's not warm when she's away. #FirstLines
Isn’t, “Don’t Know Why There’s No Sun Up In The Sky” a great start? Yours please. #FirstLines
#FirstLines What are your favorite first lines in a #novel ? " The sea is high again today, with a thrilling flush of wind. In the midst of winter you can feel the inventions of spring…. I return link by link along the iron chains of memory to the city which we inhabited so briefly together: the city which used us as its flora — precipitated in us conflicts which were hers and which we mistook for our own: beloved Alexandria! ..
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13033.The_Alexandria_Quartet The Alexandria Quartet by #LawrenceDurrell
#FirstLines #novel #lawrencedurrell
Hello fellow book lovers. Think you know your Austen from your Asimov? Your Tolstoy from your Tartt? 🤔 Then come and try our opening lines quiz at https://grumpyoldbooks.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-opening-lines-quiz.html?m=1
#quiz #Books #BookQuiz #bookstodon #booksofmastodon #OpeningLines #FirstLines
#FirstLines #OpeningLines #BooksofMastodon #bookstodon #bookquiz #books #quiz
#WritingCommunity #FirstLines #ForAStoryIMightWriteOneDay
Leonard Cohen sings the soundtrack of my life.
#writingcommunity #FirstLines #forastoryimightwriteoneday