First snow of the season. #NewPhiladelphiaOH #TuscarawasCountyOH #firstsnow #winter
#newphiladelphiaoh #tuscarawascountyoh #FirstSnow #winter
#December brought the #FirstSnow to the #forest. #yule
#december #FirstSnow #forest #yule
#Anschneien in #Dresden. Irgendwie genieße ich die romantischen Winter Wonderland Vibes doch grad sehr, im Abteilwagen mit einem heißen Tee und warmer Beleuchtung durch die Landschaft gleitend.
#FirstSnow this year for Dresden! In this otherwise depressing world I do quite fancy the romantic winter wonderland vibes, sat in a compartment car with a hot cuppa, gliding through the white landscape effortlessly.
#Anschneien #dresden #FirstSnow
This was her first real snow! She pulled at me every second (unusual for her) because she was so excited. #puppy #FirstSnow