@AnarkioCrypto There are some problems with your monerochan.news article though. It really tries to sell #Monero on the privacy basis but then the article itself is littered with privacy-abusing #Cloudflare links (e.g. #fixedfloat #coinatmradar #getmonero) to obtain Monero. For privacy enthusiasts (your audience), only non-mitm’d resources are relevent.
#monero #cloudflare #Fixedfloat #CoinATMRadar #GetMonero
Binance CEO Says Exchange Recovered $450 Million From the Curve Finance Attack
#DNSCachepoisoning #Curvefifrontend #iwantmyname.com #ChangpengZhao #Curve.finance #Ethereum(ETH) #hacker'sfunds #$450Million #Defiexploit #BinanceCEO #Fixedfloat #USDCfunds #Ethereum #Binance #$570K #Curve #Funds #News #DeFi #Hack #USDC #ETH #CZ
#DNScachepoisoning #Curvefifrontend #iwantmyname #ChangpengZhao #Curve #ethereum #Hacker #DeFiExploit #BinanceCEO #Fixedfloat #USDCfunds #binance #Funds #news #defi #hack #USDC #eth #CZ
Defi Attacker Siphons $570,000 From Curve Finance, Crypto Exchange Fixedfloat Freezes 112 Ethereum
#decentralizedfinance #$6.13billionTVL #Curvefifrontend #iwantmyname.com #StevenFerguson #2022DefiHacks #domainservice #CremaFinance #Curveattack #frozenfunds #NameService #Fixedfloat #Curvehack #Curveteam #frozeneth #Tcpshield #Curve.fi #DefiHack #Zachxbt #News #Hack
#Decentralizedfinance #Curvefifrontend #iwantmyname #StevenFerguson #2022DefiHacks #domainservice #CremaFinance #Curveattack #frozenfunds #Nameservice #Fixedfloat #Curvehack #Curveteam #frozeneth #Tcpshield #Curve #DeFihack #zachxbt #news #hack