I cannot emphasise now much the lack of #gammon, #flagshaggers and general Tories on here improves my mental health.
I know all the knobheads are still out there but at least this is ONE PLACE I'm not forced to listen to there insane flat earth / anti vaxx / transphobic / Christian Taliban fucking bullshit.
There is an axis of evil/stupid now and it is all the worst people, in one big frenzied frogball of proto/neofascist fuckery.
I'm perfect gammon age but
1. I'm brown
2. I got vaccinated against drifting right as I aged by #TheMilitantTendecy when I was 17.
So when I hear Tories and #gammons and #flagshaggers spouting #transphobic shite... I wonder how fucking old they are? Because they didn't grow up in the '30s, they probably grew up in the '70s and '80s.
Like everything Tory, it makes no fucking sense at all.
#transphobic #FlagShaggers #Gammons #themilitanttendecy
Over to Jon Snow at the #RejoinEU march...
"I've never seen so many white people in one place..." #FlagShaggers
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MartinDaubney/status/1583832885521698817