@peterdrake Top one reminds me of the banner artwork used in #Flamecraft #BoardGame
Personally, #Flamecraft is the game I liked the least among these ones, while my eldest is very happy with the purchase (although for him too it's not his favorite). I would rate it between a 6 and 7: it wouldn't be my first choice for a game, especially if there are newcomers, but its very nice art is attractive enough to actually help bring people to it.
#boardgameReview 1.3/x (end 1)
So, the “piéce the rèsistance” in these new additions to his small #boardgame collection is #Flamecraft
a resource management game with a #fantasy setting with some very attractive art (that was one of the reasons why he picked it, TBH).
The game mechanics are solid, but a bit convoluted, and may require multiple playthrough to get really used to, which is almost ironic given that there's only one/two major choices each player has to do each turn.
#boardgameReview 1.1/x
#boardgame #Flamecraft #fantasy #boardgamereview
Got some nice plays in with the wife and kids today, and both came down to tie-breakers!
First, Lindsey, myself and our 10 year old played #TheQuacksOfQuedlinburg. Came down to Lindsey and me but I won the tie by having more ingredients in my pot.
Then our 7 year old joined in for #Flamecraft. Lindsey and 7 tied but 7 broke the tie by having the most goods at game end. I don't think I've ever played two on a row, both ties
#BoardGames #BoardGame #Games #TableTop #TableTopGaming #Gaming
#gaming #tabletopgaming #tabletop #games #boardgame #boardgames #Flamecraft #thequacksofquedlinburg
We tried our hand at 4 player #Flamecraft and it surprisingly well for 2 of the players being 7 and 10 years of age. It was much more cut throat when it came to buying enchantments. Of course my wife won (and it was her first play of the game) because she wins everything.
#BoardGames #BoardGame #Gaming #Games #TableTop #TableTopGames
#tabletopgames #tabletop #games #gaming #boardgame #boardgames #Flamecraft
Had some great #games of #Flamecraft today. First, taught it to my 7 year old. She needed help chaining actions together to make the most sense, she really enjoyed it. And daddy only beat her by a point!
Second, I played another #solo game, this time scoring my highest points and unlocking an achievement. I like the achievement system as solo players play with a specific combination of dragons and shops, but unlock new combinations as you fulfill achievements
#tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #solo #Flamecraft #games
It wasn't by much, but I grabbed my first #solo achievement in #Flamecraft
I'm getting more points in each play as the strategies to gain reputation start to form.
#BoardGames #BoardGame #TableTop #TableTopGames #Games #Gaming
#gaming #games #tabletopgames #tabletop #boardgame #boardgames #Flamecraft #solo
I finally pulled the trigger on #Flamecraft after looking at it at every game store I've been into for months. I'm bout to try it out with a #solo game!
#BoardGames #BoardGame #Gaming #Games #TableTop #TableTopGames
#tabletopgames #tabletop #games #gaming #boardgame #boardgames #solo #Flamecraft
Ok, das ist schon ein bisschen ein Overkill in seiner Knuffigkeit, oder? 🤪 Man kriegt Vibes aus dem Ahorntal...
Aber für ein paar Partien ist sicher auch für Große Spielspaß drin.
Gestern aus der Ausleihe geholt, gemeinsam mit #Akropolis, auf das freu ich mich schon, hab ich bisher nur auf #BGA gezockt, kommt heute später noch dran. 👍
#Flamecraft #Brettspiele @brettspiele
#akropolis #bga #Flamecraft #brettspiele
Da wir bereits in den Vorbereitungen zu unserem Umzug stecken, ist im März nicht ganz so viel auf den Tisch gekommen.
#brettspiele #brettspielsüchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglücklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer
#exitlordoftheringsshadowsovermiddleearth #Flamecraft #stationfall #fireflythegame #cookierunkingdomtheboardgame #3000halunken #dndonslaught #brettspiele #brettspielsuchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglucklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer
Ok, yes, not only was it adorable but it was great fun! Solid replayability too. Also extremely adorable. #Flamecraft #BoardGames #TabletopGames
#Flamecraft #boardgames #tabletopgames
I am skeptical. Can it be so adorable and still a good game? #Flamecraft #BoardGames #TabletopGames
#Flamecraft #boardgames #tabletopgames
In #141 vom @fairplaymagazin gabs einen Artikel zu #GläserneRevolution von @florik
"… wie wohl Industrialisierung in einer Fantasywelt aussehen könnte. Und wie die Menschen so sind, würden sie wohl Drachen einsperren und misshandeln, um die heiße Flamme des Atems … zu nutzen."
Und in #143 kommt ein Artikel zu #Flamecraft mit dessen niedlichen, hilfreichen Minidrachen. Optimistisch!
Dieser Gegensatz: 🤯
#glasernerevolution #Flamecraft #brettspiele #TrophyDark
Wir berichten heute von unseren Spielerfahrungen mit zuckersüßen kleinen Drachen. Es wird gewerkelt, was die Flammenkraft hergibt, um zu backen, zu schmieden, zu kochen, Tränke zu brauen und Pflanzen zu ziehen.
Von und mit @Fizzblizz und @mad_jump
@asmodee_games #flamecraft #brettspiele #brettspielsüchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglücklich #brettspielabend #boardgamer
#Flamecraft #brettspiele #brettspielsuchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglucklich #brettspielabend #boardgamer
Blog entry: Solo gaming with #Flamecraft
#solitaire #boardgames #Flamecraft
Unsere Spiele im Februar 2023.
Es waren nicht so viele, aber dafür alles sehr gute Spiele.
Von und mit @fizzblizz und @mad_jump
#brettspiele #brettspielsüchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek
#boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglücklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer
#podcast #brettspielpodcast #brettspielnews
#kaifeng #Flamecraft #stationfall #orconomics #tinyepicvikings #tinyepicpirates #brettspiele #brettspielsuchtig #brettspielliebe #boardgames #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #boardgamecollection #bgg #bggcommunity #spielemachenglucklich #brettspielabend #boardgamesnightandday #boardgamer #podcast #brettspielpodcast #brettspielnews
One of the cutest board games I’ve purchased by a long shot: #boardgames #Flamecraft
"Flamecraft" by Manny Vega and Sandra Tang is truly a gem.
Gorgeous art, great quality in all materials, lovely theme, and fun mechanics. It has more depth than I thought, and a good mix of strategy and chance.
And did I mention the beautiful dragon minis, the gorgeous town center mat, and the punny cards?
Absolutely recommended!
#flamecraft #mannyvega #sandaratang #luckyduckgames #7 #boardgamenight #tabletopgames #beautiful game77 #gameart the p0p
#Flamecraft #mannyvega #sandaratang #luckyduckgames #BoardGameNight #tabletopgames #beautiful #gameart
Né avant la honte
#Flamecraft est un jeu familial sympa. Pas prise de tête mais il prend beaucoup de place sur la table. La version retail vaut plus le coup que la version #Kickstarter