Today we did a butterfly release into the pavilion.
#FlamingoGardens #butterfy #butterflies #malachite #monarch
It's been too long since I did a photo of the day so I'm going to drop 4 at once. These are all plants inside our Butterfly Pavilion which is opening on March 4th.
We hope to have nearly 1000 native Florida butterflies on display that day.
#butterflies to
#FlamingoGardens #southFlorida #botanicalgarden #butterflyhabitat #monarch #butterflies
Here is my buddy Andy. Andy is a Florida Bobcat who came to us as a baby when his mother was killed in a car accident. He was bottle fed as an infant and because he is human imprinted is unreleasable. He is one of our animal ambassadors and helps us educate guests about Florida wildlife and the problems caused by habitat loss. Andy loves people and purrs loudly whenever I visit him. #bobcat
#Caturday #bobcat #florida #wildliferescue #FlamingoGardens
Flower of the day, Venus Slipper Orchid
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum v. moquetteanum 'SVO'
#orchidsofthefediverse #orchids #florida #tropicalplants #FlamingoGardens
Etlingera elatior, Torch #ginger flowering at #FlamingoGardens in Davie, Florida Whenyou see these flowers they transport you to the tropics.
Flowers of the day, Heliconia edition.
Heliconias are tropical plants related to Bananas, which are mostly from the American tropics, with a few coming from the Pacific region. #flamingogardens
#FlamingoGardens #heliconia #zingiberales
For this weeks #thicktrunktuesday here is a Florida native Strangler Fig, Ficus aurea. This is just one of many Fig trees at #FlamingoGardens.
#thicktrunktuesday #FlamingoGardens
Flowers of the day.
Butterfly ginger and giant shrimp (oxymoronic) plant flowers. #flowers #FlamingoGardens
#tropicalgardens #tropicalplantphotos
#flowers #FlamingoGardens #tropicalgardens #tropicalplantphotos
Today's photos from the garden. Alpinia and orchid. #FlamingoGardens
#tropicalgardens #tropicalplantphotos
#FlamingoGardens #tropicalgardens #tropicalplantphotos