For those who believe in a flat earth: Matthew Wolf photographed #Chicago from various locations around South Lake Michigan. The images show Chicago from 2 miles (3.22 km) to 40 miles (ca. 64 km) away.
They show that the earth cannot be flat. We live on a sphere.
Chicago As Seen From Around South Lake Michigan
Posted on June 13, 2014, by Matthew Wolf
#FlatEarth #FlatEather #FlacheErde #Globe #Erdkugel
#chicago #FlatEarth #flateather #FlacheErde #Globe #Erdkugel
#FlatEarth »evidence« with images of “mountains” is not as easy to debunk when there is no visible horizontal line.
But luckily #FlatEarther make enough mistakes to debunk this evidence as well.
In my blog post I debunk a picture with clouds misinterpreted as mountains behind Cap d'Agde, Sete or Étang de Thau. The picture was taken from Pic de Noufonts, France.
Two methods to #debunk #FlatEarth »proofs« when #FlatEarther take pictures of mountains.
They are so easy to debunk.
#debunk #FlatEarth #flatearther #FlacheErde
#flatearth #flacheerde #flatearther
Visibility of Tete de l'Estrop from Pic de Noufonts does not prove flat earth
It is easy to debunk.
Let's assume the mountain before is really Mt Tete de l'Estrop.
The sun is behind the mountains. It is 205 pixels high and 252 pixels wide. So 0.5° corresponds to about 205 to 252 pixels.
The tallest mountain is 47 pixels high, which roughly corresponds to an angle of 0.093 to 0.115°. You can't measure it that precisely.
#FlatEarth #FlacheErde #flatearther
How to prove with your own home that the #earth is (not) #flat
1. Open Google Maps
2. Go to your house or garden
3. Pick two positions (A and B) in line of sight. One should be east or west of the other.
4. Note the latitude/longitude (, A.lon, and B.lon in °) of the positions (right click) and measure the distance.
5. Measure the actual distance (with a laser pointer).
#earth #flat #Flacherdler #FlatEarth
Liebe #Flacherdler,
der #MountEverest ist von mir etwa 6930 km entfernt und 9 km hoch. Er müsste so groß über dem Horizont zu sehen sein, wie die #Sonne oder der #Mond bei ihrem Aufhang. Ich sehe ihn aber nicht.
Dear #flatearthers
#MountEverest is about 6930 km away from me and 9 km high. It should be as large to see over the horizon as the #sun or the #moon when they hang. But I don't see him.
#Flacherdler #MountEverest #sonne #mond #flatearthers #Sun #moon #FlatEarth #flatearther
In this article ist explained what would happen on a flat earth with #gravity. #flatearther don't believe that gravity exists. Someonr must have read something about Einstein's ART. They argue that the flat disc is accelerated constantly.
But g is not the same everywhere on earth. At the equator g is ~ 9.78 m/s^2. At the north pole it is 9.83. Small difference, but it sums um. After a minute the poles would be 90 m ahead of the equator.
#FlatEarth #gravity #flatearther
@Rua OMG, dang, that hike you took is epic! I cannot imagine the terrain you are in because where I live, the tallest thing out here is a telephone pole. Terrain so flat, our biggest hills are ant hills. Happy New Year Rua!
#countryside #FlatEarth #roadtrip
Every time I'm feeling down or angry or frustrated, I remind myself that some people still believe the earth is flat, and instantly feel better. #flatearth #globe
@tagesschau haha, was die #FlatEarth|ler sich jetzt wohl zusammenreimen werden :)
by memory:
and mnemonic:
Seeing the world is a prerequisite to understanding one’s place in it.
Research #FlatEarth