I remember reading about that when I was a kid (and the vessel was much closer to "new")
#FernandaMontenegro interpreta #HildaHilst, homenageada da #Flip 2018: Visceral...
#fernandamontenegro #hildahilst #Flip #livros #mastolivros #oslivrosdemaria
by sheer chance I found a whole entire picture of Flip that I'd forgotten I drew
(ugh i need to get all my files in order, like in big, all-encompassing order, someday)
#MuskPictor #Flip #Foxtaurs #nsfw #furryart
I’ll See Your Seven-Segment Mechanical Display and Raise You to 16 Segments
#multi-segment #rackandpinion #punchcard #flip-dot #display #Parts
#multi #rackandpinion #punchcard #Flip #Display #Parts
Neon Lamps — Not Just for Pilot Lamps
#multivibrator #classichacks #pilotlight #breakdown #discharge #flip-flop #thyratron #plasma #Parts #lamp #neon
#multivibrator #classichacks #pilotlight #breakdown #discharge #Flip #thyratron #plasma #Parts #lamp #neon
Should’ve Used a 555 — Or 276 of Them
#shouldhaveuseda555 #clockhacks #flip-flop #discrete #Parts #latch #logic #timer #gate #555
#shouldhaveuseda555 #clockhacks #Flip #discrete #Parts #latch #logic #timer #Gate