RT @MaxKingsleyEh@twitter.com
I'm following accounts who are unafraid to call #FluTruxClan what they really are, despite #cdnmedia's hesitation to say or print it:
#DomesticTerrorists with far too much #WhitePrivilege to recognize what real oppression is.
Call them by their name: they're TERRORISTS.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaxKingsleyEh/status/1492908868804001794
#cdnpoli #whiteprivilege #domesticterrorists #cdnmedia #FluTruxClan
#CBC #Canada #KarenConvoy
Protesters in #Ottawa not going anywhere
Trucks continue to block streets in downtown Ottawa, with their horns blasting in defiance of a court injunction, as the protest against #COVID-19 public heal...
#cbc #canada #KarenConvoy #FluTruxClan #ottawa #covid