When your beloved one is into #carnivorousplants, then you'lll read stuff like this on a Sunday.
#venus #flytrap #carnivore @chillicampari thank you.
"In this way, we want to close the circle and find out what the plant does to distinguish numbers from each other—i.e., how it counts," https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/01/this-mutant-venus-flytrap-mysteriously-lost-its-ability-to-count-to-5/
#carnivorousplants #FlyTrap #carnivore #venus
I bought this Venus flytrap at the grocery store a month or two ago. It seems quite happy in its pseudo-terrarium environment, judging from the flower stalk. However, that flower stalk is clearly too tall for the current container.
Should I:
• ignore it
• remove the lid
• transplant to a new container
• something else?
(Not a poll because I'm hoping for reasoned responses.) Thank you!
#houseplants #FlyTrap #terrarium
#FlyTrap : mise en lumière d’un cheval de Troie sous le #PlayStore et exploitant l’attaque par ingénierie sociale pour mettre à mal les comptes #Facebook !
#FlyTrap #playstore #facebook #securite #trojan #netflix #GoogleAds #applications #bdr
#Plantwatch: the ingenious #FlyTrap hiding in Britain’s #hedgerows | #Environment | The Guardian
#Plantwatch #FlyTrap #hedgerows #environment #science #biology #botany #uk #plants