:apple_inc: #fbf when it works on first boot AND it already has After Dark installed ๐
#MARCHintosh #apple #macintosh
#performa578 #vintagemac
#retrocomputing #flyingtoasters
#FlyingToasters #retrocomputing #VintageMac #performa578 #macintosh #apple #marchintosh #fbf
A reminder for #MARCHintosh ๐
Awhile back, I compiled a curated collection of all the After Dark modules (all I could find) on macintoshgarden
#macintosh #apple #mac
#vintagemac #afterdark
#FlyingToasters #afterdark #VintageMac #Mac #apple #macintosh #marchintosh
Important reminder:
Someone (Bryan Braun) replicated a few #AfterDark screen savers in #CSS.
The star of the show being, obviously, #FlyingToasters.
#afterdark #css #FlyingToasters #VintageApple #VintageMac
Smells like burnt toast in here.
#FlyingToasters on a #Macintosh Color Classic II.
Die englische Wikipedia hat Bilder und mehr Details:
#AfterDark #FlyingToasters