De FIA komt met een oplossing voor het vele verkeer dat verwacht wordt tijdens de kwalificatie.
#f1 #formula1 #formule1 #Monzagp #italiangp #fia #fom #verstappen #hamilton #redbullracing #Mercedesf1
Original tweet: 02 Sep 2023 11:49 CEST
#mercedesf1 #redbullracing #hamilton #verstappen #FoM #Fia #italiangp #MonzaGP #formule1 #formula1 #f1
De twee partijen hebben toch verschillende belangen, zo blijkt vaker.
#f1 #formula1 #Formule1 #F1Sprint #italiangp #dutchgp #FIA #Fom #bensulayem #domenicali #monza #ferrari #tifosi #leclerc #verstappen #norris
Original tweet: 29 Aug 2023 13:20 CEST
#Norris #verstappen #leclerc #tifosi #ferrari #monza #domenicali #bensulayem #FoM #Fia #dutchgp #italiangp #F1Sprint #formule1 #formula1 #f1
Robert van Overdijk had een onderonsje met Domenicali over de toekomst van de Dutch GP.
#f1 #formula1 #formule1 #dutchgp #zandvoortgp #domenicali #vanoverdijk #verstappen #orangearmy #italiangp #f123 #FOM #redbullracing #redbull
Original tweet: 28 Aug 2023 10:00 CEST
#redbull #redbullracing #FoM #f123 #italiangp #orangearmy #verstappen #vanoverdijk #domenicali #zandvoortgp #dutchgp #formule1 #formula1 #f1
Is dit de manier om Red Bull Racing af te stoppen?
#F1 #formula1 #formule1 #FOM #FIA #BelgianGP #DutchGP #McLarenF1 #RedBullRacing #Redbull #piastri #verstappen #F1Sprint #russell #Mercedesf1 #DRS #DragReductionSystem #f123
Original tweet: 08 Aug 2023 11:20 CEST
#f123 #dragreductionsystem #DRS #mercedesf1 #russell #F1Sprint #verstappen #piastri #redbull #redbullracing #McLarenF1 #dutchgp #belgiangp #Fia #FoM #formule1 #formula1 #f1
In gut 1 Monat intensiver Austausch bei Science for Society #sfs2023duisburg: .
Know-how austauschen, Inspirationen sammeln und interessante Menschen kennenlernen. #gfo #gpma #fom #Duisburg und Umgebung.
#duisburg #FoM #gpma #gfo #sfs2023duisburg
De FIA zou twee van de vier nieuwe teams het groene licht hebben gegeven en Domenicali reageert. #f1 #formula1 #formule1 #fia #andretti #fom #domenicali #hungariangp #f123 #hitechgp
Original tweet: 18 Jul 2023 12:05 CEST
#hitechgp #f123 #hungariangp #domenicali #FoM #andretti #Fia #formule1 #formula1 #f1
#Brexit and Freedom of Movement #FoM.
Obviously I hope I'm wrong but my guess is nobody in the (current) "U"K🇬🇧 (a.k.a. #SmallerEnglishEmpire) is getting 🇪🇺Rights&FoM back in my lifetime (I'm 60)...sooooo, I'm going to have to use one of my #PlanB routes to get out of 🏴 and back to civilisation.
My current best one will take about 2 years (and be quite expensive).
Has anyone (without dual nationality) beaten 2 years?
#FoM #brexit #ukpolitics #uk #planb #smallerenglishempire
@CrypticMirror @tomdean I'm not so pessimistic. I think the chance of reversing the course is a good one, in fact I think it's almost inevitable. However, I think the chance of fully #RejoinEU in the short termis slim. It's not zero (say, within 10 years), and is a lot higher if you live in Scotland. But Single market, Customs union and #FoM will I think probably come within 2 governments.
Most hard-core brexiters are in the age range that is dying off. Things are changing, and quite fast.
British man to be deported from Denmark under post-Brexit rules
#brexit #fbpe #theguardian #freedomofmovement #FoM
I saw Keir Starmer give a speech to the People's Vote march. A rousing speech from a great orator who fired up the crowd with enthusiasm as he spoke about the liberating effect of Freedom of Movement, the financial benefits that membership of the Single Market brought, the stability that being part of the world's largest peace project gave. Difficult to reconcile him with the person that now leads the Labour party. #Starmer #FOM #immigration
"No return to #FOM"?
Is that #UKLabour's DREAM offer?
Will I have to vote Labour, yet again, without sharing its vision, just because it's my only option to get the bloody #Tories OUT?
I want an end to #cheaplabour. And I want everybody to stop thinking of the EU as a source of that.
#FoM #uklabour #tories #cheaplabour #RejoinEU
RT @Ambrela_org: Prvým diskutujúcim v online diskusii o geo)politike a o informovaní o vojne na školách (20.4. o 18h) bude Prof. Vladimír Šucha. Viac info o evente, podporenom #EU cez DEAR a #ACF - Slovakia v rámci projektu #EduGlobe tu:
#eu #gce #gv #FoM #acfSlovakia #zek
#EU #acf #EduGlobe #gce #GV #FoM #acfSlovakia #zek
RT @Ambrela_org: Pozrite si po Veľkej noci (20.4.) našu online diskusiu ‘Vojna na Ukrajine: Koľko politiky patrí do školských lavíc’. Viac info o podujatí, kt. realizujeme s podporou ACF – Slovakia a #EU cez program DEAR tu:
#acf #acfSlovakia #GV #SR #FoM #osveta #EduGlobe
#EU #acf #acfSlovakia #GV #SR #FoM #osveta #EduGlobe
#NextGenerationEU should update the #FoM freedom of movement principle with full voting rights for EU citizens in their place of residence. cc