RT ADF International
Re @europarl_en debate happening now on the 10th anniversary of the EU #FoRB Guidelines, stressing the need for the #EU to recommit to protecting and promoting freedom of religion or belief worldwide. @hjaruissen
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ADFIntl/status/1679480540917903360
RT The European Times
MEP @petervdalen’s Farewell to the @europarl_en after 14 years of service https://www.europeantimes.news/2023/06/mep-peter-van-dalens-farewell-ep/ via @europeantimes_ #forb #meps @EP_Fisheries @Eurofractie @FoRB_EuroParl https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1674844249748013058
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europeantimes_/status/1674844249748013058
RT Francesco Di Lillo
At @europarl_en to attend event hosted by @FoRB_EuroParl @FidanzaCarlo @petervdalen featuring @NazilaGhanea @AndreaBenzo1 and others. It’s important to celebrate the EU Guidelines #FoRB at 10 years since adoption. @EPRID4FORB https://t.co/RQaU8DQdgx
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dilillofr/status/1674392839860498433
At #HRC52 we were pleased to participate in the first interactive dialogue with SR #FORB @NazilaGhanea. We welcome her commitment to stand for human rights in a focused and inclusive manner, and the EU will remain actively engaged in supporting your mandate.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1635634845199024129
RT @bpaskal: @SekretarzXXL #FoRB. I pomyśleć, że byliśmy przed nimi
Dziś #FoRB to m. in. art. 18 tak #UDHR jak i #ICCPR czy art. 9 #ECHR. Polecam stanowisko PE wypracowane przez @GrzybAndrzej https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-8-2019-0013_PL.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GrzybAndrzej/status/1634253534529986563
EU & Bahrain youth gathered in Brussels for a deep-diving seminar exploring young people's role in promoting safety and peace in cyberspace.
They will compare notes with EU policymakers on cyber regulation, creating cultural alliances, and how to balance free speech & #FoRB
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUintheGCC/status/1623276246900654082
RT @ComeceEu: 🔴 EU Bishops welcome the appointment of Frans van Daele as EU Special Envoy for the Promotion of #FoRB. @cardinal_jch: “We are ready to cooperate with him and call on the @EU_Commission to provide adequate resources and a well-defined mandate”.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1601229490306228225
U Hrvatskom saboru smo obilježili Crvenu srijedu kako bi podsjetili da je sloboda vjerovanja i vjeroispovijesti osnovno ljudsko pravo koje se u različitim dijelovima svijeta svakodnevno krši.#RedWednesday #FoRB #BreakTheSilence #HumanRights
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1596483997059715072
#RedWednesday #FoRB #BreakTheSilence #humanrights
RT @mbarriosprieto: Intense week in beautuful #Strasbourg, with many meetings in the @europarl_en. In the photos, in a lunch meeting with the @EPPGroup unit for interreligious and intercultural dialogue. Many issues discussed: #UkraineWar, #Russia, #China , #FoodSecurity, Special envoy for #FoRB...
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1595861118152499207
#Strasbourg #UkraineWar #russia #China #FoodSecurity #FoRB
Danas sam u Hrvatskom saboru organizirala okrugli stol pod nazivom „Progonjeni i zaboravljeni“ posvećen poštivanju vjerskih sloboda, a u povodu obilježavanja “Crvene srijede”, 23. studenoga, u sjećanje na sve one koji su progonjeni zbog svoje vjere. #RedWednesday #FoRB
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/marijana_petir/status/1595461662512914444
RT @ECR_CoR: Today Ádám Karácsony, @EU_CoR spokesperson on the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism, met our former member @FidanzaCarlo MEP & Co-Chair of the EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion & Belief to discuss about future cooperation to foster interreligious dialogue in the EU
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/FidanzaCarlo/status/1592582175266082816
Today Ádám Karácsony, @EU_CoR spokesperson on the EU Strategy on Combating Antisemitism, met our former member @FidanzaCarlo MEP & Co-Chair of the EP Intergroup on Freedom of Religion & Belief to discuss about future cooperation to foster interreligious dialogue in the EU
The @EU_Commission continues to state that it will appoint for the EU special envoy for #FoRB as soon as possible. Just how soon is soon when millions are suffering for their faith around the world every day? It’s time for action, not excuses
RT @ComeceEu: Pleased to have participated at the @europarl_en in the exchange btw the @EPPGroup Unit on Intercultural/Religious Dialogue & the press on the importance of promoting EU-Churches …
RT @ComeceEu: Pleased to have participated at the @europarl_en in the exchange btw the @EPPGroup Unit on Intercultural/Religious Dialogue & the press on the importance of promoting EU-Churches dialogue, we take this opportunity to call on the @EU_Commission to appoint a #FoRB EU Special Envoy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/JanOlbrycht/status/1590352665669947393
RT @ComeceEu: Pleased to have participated at the @europarl_en in the exchange btw the @EPPGroup Unit on Intercultural/Religious Dialogue & the press on the importance of promoting EU-Churches dialogue, we take this opportunity to call on the @EU_Commission to appoint a #FoRB EU Special Envoy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HolvenyiGyorgy/status/1590342201657405445
RT @CKokkinakis: Very good to see @NazilaGhanea back today in #NewYork at @EUatUN after many years You can count on the #EU full support to promote your mandate as @UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, worldwide! #FoRB #ThirdCommittee #freedomofexpression @eu_eeas @EU_UNGeneva
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1584288503294177280
#newyork #EU #FoRB #ThirdCommittee #freedomofexpression
RT @CKokkinakis: Very good to see @NazilaGhanea back today in #NewYork at @EUatUN after many years You can count on the #EU full support to promote your mandate as @UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, worldwide! #FoRB #ThirdCommittee #freedomofexpression @eu_eeas @EU_UNGeneva
#newyork #EU #FoRB #ThirdCommittee #freedomofexpression
RT @ecrgroup: Today, we remember those who, for nothing more than their faith, have fallen victim to violent persecution.
🙏 In a humane society, everyone must be entitled to their beliefs, free from the spectre of repression.
RT @ecrgroup: Today, we remember those who, for nothing more than their faith, have fallen victim to violent persecution.
🙏 In a humane society, everyone must be entitled to their beliefs, free from the spectre of repression.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaFotyga_PE/status/1561699625169522688
RT @ecrgroup: Today, we remember those who, for nothing more than their faith, have fallen victim to violent persecution.
🙏 In a humane society, everyone must be entitled to their beliefs, free from the spectre of repression.