Who gave Luxon his media training? You can't just recite your talking points over and over in the same interview, like a demented chat bot. Listen to him deflecting Guyon Espiner's questions:
Pay no attention to man behind the green curtain! : P
#podcasts #rnz #FocusOnPolitics
"There's also nothing to force supermarkets to pass on the savings, never mind the endless legal wrangling over what counts as 'fresh fruit and veg'."
#AnnekeSmith, 2023
#RNZ #FocusOnPolitics #NZPolitics #NZElection2023 #tax #GST #supermarkets #FoodPrices
#annekesmith #rnz #FocusOnPolitics #nzpolitics #nzelection2023 #tax #gst #supermarkets #foodprices
Transport Minister Michael Wood owning Auckland Airport shares, put the spotlight on politicians owning business assets that might create conflicts of interest. David Seymour of ACT was initially hesitant to have this judged too harshly, which is out of character. I wonder what journalists might find if they looked closely at business assets owned by current and prospective ACT MPs?
#Aotearoa #NZ #RNZ #FocusOnPolitics #MichaelWood #ACT #DavidSeymour
#aotearoa #nz #rnz #FocusOnPolitics #MichaelWood #act #DavidSeymour
According to an interview on RNZ, the NZ DIA (Department of Internal Affairs)...
"... are formulating some advice on how the public service would be able to utilise the benefits of AI..."
Anyone know how we feed into that?
#RNZ #podcasts #FocusOnPolitics #AI #ML #MOLE #Aotearoa #NZ #DIA
#rnz #podcasts #FocusOnPolitics #ai #ml #mole #aotearoa #nz #dia
David Seymour's attitude reeks of middle class privilege. I'd like to see him living in emergency housing, on a benefit-level income, for 3 months. Then see if he's still keen on putting location tracking bracelets on kids:
National must realize that tax cuts are no longer a populist vote winner. Why else would they try to rebrand to them as "income relief"?
#rnz #FocusOnPolitics #taxcuts #national