It's that fun time of year again in and it isn't about .

It's @focuswales time, can't wait to start exploring some more amazing music and catching up with old friends.

#festival #FocusWales #gwylrhyngwladol #livemusic #cymru #football #wrexham

Last updated 2 years ago

Sophie McKeand · @SophieMcKeand
40 followers · 47 posts · Server

The final book in sci-fi series The MthR Trilogy is out on 1st May 2023. First in a series of events to promote the books begins at Focus Wales Festival where I’ll be performing from the books with looped field recordings & vocals. I’m so excited to share this news work!

#performancepoetry #FocusWales #Wales #fesitval

Last updated 2 years ago

George Herd · @georgeherd
80 followers · 33 posts · Server