@MarieVC I think this is what some people particularly struggled with during the pandemic; that scientific research is dynamic & therefore as scientists learned more about Covid, so the recommendations as to how to respond altered. Obviously the #UKGovernment didn't always exactly #followthescience either, which also led to distrust & the spread of misinformation. Nevertheless the basic premise of the argument was sound.
#FollowTheScience #ukgovernment
Heute ist #ShowYourStripes-Day. Das hier ist das Streifenmuster für Schleswig Holstein.
Du kannst dir unter https://showyourstripes.info/ ein Bild für deine Region herunterladen und dann teilen.
#showyourstripes #klima #climate #FollowTheScience
He called out censorship, & they censored him. Hmm...
"The fatal tendency of mankind to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful is the cause of half their errors." -Mill, On Liberty
#freedomofspeech #healthydebate #followthescience #twosidesofastory #controlthenarrative #freeflowofinformation #dangerousviews #1stamendment #firstamendment #operationmockingbird #freepress #mockingbirdmedia #notsafenoteffective #unsafeandineffective #excessmortality #innateimmunesuppression #freedom #liberty #censorship #censorshipistyranny #think #eugenics #WEF #NWO
#nwo #wef #eugenics #think #censorshipistyranny #Censorship #liberty #freedom #innateimmunesuppression #excessmortality #unsafeandineffective #notsafenoteffective #MockingbirdMedia #freepress #OperationMockingbird #firstamendment #1stamendment #dangerousviews #freeflowofinformation #controlthenarrative #twosidesofastory #FollowTheScience #healthydebate #freedomofspeech
In a result that should be shocking to no one, a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial found that the evidence does not support the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment.
#stayinformed #FollowTheScience
#Cochrane Library review of "Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses" published last week concludes no clearly demonstrable effect, including use of face #masks vs #COVID19
Conclusion: "The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks."
I guess it's lucky that humans aren't prone to superstitious behaviour...
#FollowTheScience #COVID19 #masks #cochrane
"This science could spell trouble for Bayer."
#Bayer #Monsanto #Glycophosphate #Chemicals #CancerousChemicals #PoisonousChemicals
#CancerStudy #CancerResearch #Research
#FollowtheScience #ScientificStudies
#HealthStudies #HealthData #HealthResults
#healthresults #healthdata #healthstudies #scientificstudies #FollowTheScience #Research #cancerresearch #cancerstudy #poisonouschemicals #cancerouschemicals #chemicals #glycophosphate #monsanto #bayer
Heisst es nicht #FollowTheScience - oder gilt das nur wenn "#diewissenschaft" zur Meinung passende Fakten liefert?
#diewissenschaft #FollowTheScience
RT @anna_handschuh@twitter.com
Ich solidarisiere mich @FridayForFuture@twitter.com @AufstandLastGen@twitter.com @ExtinctionR_DE@twitter.com @NLRebellion@twitter.com . Wir handeln auf der Grundlage des Pariser Klimaabkommen und dem Klima-Beschluss des BVerfG . #Luetzerathbleibt #Followthescience @sciforfuture@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/anna_handschuh/status/1613232023421730819
#klimaterroristin #LuetzerathBleibt #FollowTheScience
Part 1 of the documentary version of the best selling book The Real Anthony Fauci is streaming for free. It's a must see and a must share!
#firefauci #arrestfauci #therealanthonyfauci #followthescience #crimesagainsthumanity #gainoffunction #gainoffunctionfauci #perjury #GOF #bioweapon #fauciliedpeopledied #faucithefraud #faucifraud #faucilied #fauciforprison #pfizergate #realnotrare #nuremberg2 #nurembergcode #mandatefreedom #defeatthemandates #informedconsent #donoharm #medicalfreedom #medicaltyranny #eugenics #populationcontrol #WEF #greatreset #NewWorldOrder #mybodymychoice #justsayno #unsafeineffective #notsafenoteffective #arrestgates #worldeconomicforum
#worldeconomicforum #ARRESTGATES #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #justsayno #mybodymychoice #newworldorder #GreatReset #wef #populationcontrol #eugenics #medicaltyranny #medicalfreedom #donoharm #InformedConsent #DefeattheMandates #MandateFreedom #NurembergCode #NUREMBERG2 #RealNotRare #Pfizergate #FauciForPrison #FauciLied #FauciFraud #FauciTheFraud #FauciLiedPeopleDied #bioweapon #GoF #perjury #gainoffunctionfauci #gainoffunction #crimesagainsthumanity #FollowTheScience #TheRealAnthonyFauci #ArrestFauci #FireFauci
"The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected." Not to anyone who's been paying attention... https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101...
#FollowTheScience #FreedomIsEssential #questionauthority #theyliedpeopledied #mybodymychoice #adversereactions #AdverseEvents #MandateFreedom #medicalfreedom #NUREMBERG2 #DiedSuddenly #VAIDS #antibodydependentenhancement #freedom #ADE #TLR #innateimmunesuppression #worldeconomicforum #medicaltyranny #totalitarianism #totalcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #wef #georgiaguidestones #depopulation #populationcontrol #eugenics #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #crimesagainsthumanity #ARRESTGATES #ArrestFauci #Pfizergate #RealNotRare
Tja, Maggus. Da ist dein Kostümbildner auf eine plumpe Fälschung reingefallen.
Dihydrogenmonoxid kristallisiert dihexagonal-dipyramidal (6/m 2/m 2/m), in einfacher Sprache: Schneeflocken haben nicht 8- sondern SECHS-strahlige Symmetrie. Das ist Kristallphysik. Abitur in Bayern gemacht?
#Kristallographie #Wasser #FollowTheScience
RT https://twitter.com/Markus_Soeder/status/1604372444931817474
#kristallographie #wasser #FollowTheScience
The Tridemic Has Arrived
#WearAMask #covid19 #FluSeason #StaySafe #Community #FollowTheScience 😷💙
#WearAMask #covid19 #fluseason #staysafe #community #FollowTheScience
Eine Empfehlung an alle, die sich für die Evidenz zu Covid-19 interessieren. Es gibt einen Podcast, der in ca. 45 Minuten pro Woche hilft, den Überblick über alle klinischen Aspekte zu behalten. Inzwischen werden auch andere aktuelle Infektionsereignisse wie „Affenpocken“, RSV, Ebola & Polio berücksichtigt. Gastgeber sind der Virologe Vincent Racaniello und der Infektiologe Daniel Griffin (beide aus New York).
Neueste Folge:
#FollowTheScience #CovidIsNotOver
Breakfast chat: my spouse arguing that #followthescience, as a protypical case of #scientism, is in no way different from other brands of religious or ideological fundamentalism. I agree but add that this is maybe, anthropologically speaking, the social/cultural steady state - nothing to worry about. Humans will be humans.
Dieses Schaubild zeigt wunderbar die Qualität der "Science", der wir "followen" sollten die letzten 2 Jahre.
Zu sehen in schwarz ist der tatsächliche Verlauf der Monster-Herbst-Welle, der bislang stattgefunden hat - bis auf Windelfetischisten, die in Bus & Bahn noch einen feuchten Schritt bekommen dürfen, gab es keine Maßnahmen.
Alle anderen Farben sind die Modellrechnungen der Modellierer.
#FollowTheScience #corona #plandemie
Helping to spread the word👇📣 📢 for collective efforts.
It . needs . infrastructure . in . several . countries . More SAFE #BikePaths
#ClimateActionNow #ClimateChange
#ClimateAction Now!
🚴 🚲 🚵 💪 Muscle energy is #GreenEnergy
Really really DO #ReduceReuseRecycle
Not just to save humans #SaveEARTH #FollowTheSCIENCE
Must change #Politics #Misinformation #MSM
🙏 Spread the word massively.
QT: https://muenchen.social/@joerg_spengler/109300994443482478
#climateactionnow #climatechange #bikepaths #climateaction #greenenergy #reducereuserecycle #saveearth #FollowTheScience #politics #misinformation #msm
Great article. Anthony Leonardo has been seen as controversial figure because he brought the following to the public's attention
"The hyperactivation of many T cells, which can prematurely age them
⬆️ hyperactivated T cells, which can then cause organ damage
The exhaustion of those hyperactivated T cells" , so they don't work like they should, leaving people open to other infections.
He is being proven correct. #BringBackMasks #covid #sarscov2 #followthescience
#BringBackMasks #covid #SarsCoV2 #FollowTheScience
These Brave Doctors are Upholding Their Hippocratic Oath & Putting Patients—Not Profits—First
These are the truest heroes of this ruthless pandemic. They have chosen to #followthescience and save lives—and have refused to be party to the corruption that is endemic among the world’s health authorities. There are more brave doctors out there. If you are a such a physician, we want to hear your story. Write to us at support@flccc.net.
"Women are 15% more liable to suffer a bad outcome, and 32% more likely to die, when a man rather than a woman carries out the surgery, according to a study of 1.3 million patients."
Drawing conclusions while excluding the simple fact, women and men are attracted to different professions.
Quantifying outcomes based on the sex of the surgeon is nonsense!
How many hospitals, what other staff involved the age of the patens what type of operations, what aftercare they had.
#followthescience #fakenewsmedia
#FollowTheScience #fakenewsmedia