had the task of tending the magic cow of the blacksmith Gaivnin Gow. She moved so fast and so far that it was no wonder that Cian eventually became inattentive and took a nap. When he awoke, the had disappeared. Cian had to travel to the realm of of the Evil Eye. The monstrous king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, seduced Balor's beautiful daughter and begat . Finally, Cian returned the to the blacksmith.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `.
RT twitter.com/GodysseyPodcast/st

#Cian #GlasGhaibhleann #Balor #Fomorian #Eithne #Lugh #celtic #mythology #people

Last updated 2 years ago

Cian had to travel to the realm of of the Evil Eye. The monstrous king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, seduced Balor's beautiful daughter and begat . Finally, Cian returned the to

#Balor #Fomorian #Cian #Eithne #Lugh #GlasGhaibhleann

Last updated 2 years ago

: While the dropped three rains of fire on the front of the army he increased the worth, courage and strength of the men of with every breath they took during the Second Battle of Mag Tuired/#Moytura.
RT @Werwolfwitch
Druids were the lords of fire. Whether it be the sacred fire of Samhain and Beltane or destructive one as is told in the battle of Mag Tuired: "Then Figol macโ€ฆ

#celtic #FairyTaleTuesday #druid #Figol #Fomorian #ireland

Last updated 2 years ago

The wizard Abarta had turned himself into the thick-lipped `Giolla Deacair`. The walking mountain from the had long, yellow teeth and tufts of hair on his face. Only his horse surpassed him in ugliness, but had room on its back for 15 warriors of the of .
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``
RT @laurakaykelly@twitter.com
In Irish mythology, Abhartach was a cruel tyrant dwarf who was slain by Fionn Mac Cumhail. After his burial, he returned from the dead to drink the blood of the living. Some say he is the true origin of Bram Stokerโ€™s Dracula.

#Fomorian #otherworld #Fianna #FinnMacCool #irland #folklorethursday

Last updated 2 years ago

: While the dropped three rains of fire on the front of the army he increased the worth, courage and strength of the men of with every breath they took during the Second Battle of .

#celtic #WyrdWednesday #druid #Figol #Fomorian #ireland #Moytura

Last updated 2 years ago

had the task of tending the magic cow of the blacksmith Gaivnin Gow. She moved so fast and so far that it was no wonder that Cian eventually became inattentive and took a nap. When he awoke, the had disappeared. Cian had to travel to the realm of of the Evil Eye. The monstrous king set him impossible tasks to get the cow back. There, however, seduced Balor's beautiful daughter and begat . Finally, Cian returned the to the blacksmith.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `.

#Cian #GlasGhaibhleann #Balor #Fomorian #Eithne #Lugh #celtic #mythology #people

Last updated 2 years ago

: Abarta, a wizard of the , had turned himself into the thick-lipped `Giolla Deacair`. The walking mountain from the had long, yellow teeth and tufts of hair on his face. Only his horse surpassed him in ugliness, but had room on its back for 15 warriors of the of .
Source: Sylvia Botheroyd ``

#celtic #mythologymonday #TuathaDรฉDanann #Fomorian #otherworld #Fianna #FinnMacCool #irland

Last updated 2 years ago