Ruadán was the son of Bres, the half-Fomorian king of the #TuathaDéDanann, the people of his mother #Brigit. Before the second battle of Mag Tuired, Ruadán -siding with his father-came to spy upon the smith Goibniu and steal his magical secrets. Goibniu killed the lad, which caused his mother to invent the wild sound of keening to express her grief. For himself, Goibniu was able to heal his wounds by traveling to the sacred well on Slane Hill.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
In #Irish #Mythology The #Fomorians are #hostile #monsters from under the #sea or in the #earth. They are #enemies and #opponents of the #TuathaDéDanann.They are #gods who represent the harmful or #destructive #powers of #nature; #chaos, #darkness and #death
#TuathaDéDanann #Brigit #celtic #mythology #folklore #irish #Fomorians #hostile #monsters #sea #earth #enemies #opponents #gods #destructive #powers #nature #chaos #darkness #death #keepingClassicsalive
Cethlion of the Crooked Teeth was the queen of the ancient #Irish race called the #Fomorians. The wife of Balor was a prophet who foresaw her people’s defeat at the hands of the invading #TuathaDéDanann at the Second Battle of Mag Tuired. This foreknowledge did not stop her from waging a fierce battle in which she wounded or killed one of the chiefs of her enemies, the Dagda.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
Happy #mythmonday!!
Cethlenn of the Crooked Teeth was the wife of Balor, king of the Fomorians. She was a prophetess & warrior, mortally injuring the great Dagda in battle with a javelin 🌀🌀
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#irish #Fomorians #TuathaDéDanann #celtic #mythology #folklore #mythmonday #indiedev #gamedev #indie #gaming #indiegamedev #videogames #pcgaming #madewithunity
#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: #Orna was the talking sword of the #Fomórian king #Tethra. Drawn from its scabbard, it proclaims his exploits.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `#Kelten`
During the battle with the #Fomorians, #Ogma finds #Orna, sword of king #Tethra, which recounts the deeds done with it! #FolkloreThursday
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #Orna #Fomórian #Tethra #Kelten #Fomorians #Ogma #folklorethursday
#Ogma mac Elathan, son of Delbaeth, is according to #Irish tradition the inventor of the #Ogam script. This `Son of Art` was not only extremely famous in the art of speech and poetry, but also an athletic `trénḟer`, a `power man`. In the battle of #MagTuired he fought on the side of the #TuathaDéDanann against #Bres and his #Fomorians.
Source: Helmut Birkhan `Die #Kelten` #Celtic
#Ogma #irish #Ogam #MagTuired #TuathaDéDanann #bres #Fomorians #Kelten #celtic
The most famous horse in #Irish mythology is the magical horse of #Manannan, '#Aonbharr of the Splendid Mane'. This wonderful mare was swifter than the spring wind and could travel equally well on either land or sea. #Lugh was riding #Aonbharr when the #Fomorians first caught sight of him. Any rider of this magical beast would be invulnerable whilst on her back. However, riding this mare was most difficult for mortals.
In the Fianna legends we meet up with #Aonbharr as the horse of the 'Gille Decair', the Bad Servant, who is #Manannan himself in disguise. None of the #Fianna succeeded in even getting the mare to move, until eventually she took off at an alarming rate with Conan on her back, whom she took away to the #Otherworld. He later had to be rescued by the #Fianna. The Gille Decair himself is the only one who can control his horse, for rather than dominating it as the master, he is in fact its servant, the servant of the #Goddess. Source:
#irish #Manannan #Aonbharr #Lugh #Fomorians #Fianna #otherworld #goddess