The first Friday in September is recognized as National Food Bank Day.
This strikes near and dear to my heart. If you have it within you to give, please help share with those who are struggling.
In today's socio-economic climate, there's this false belief that people who need help are not willing to work. That's simply not true. These reports from the last few years show food bank usage going up for those who are actively working:
Volunteers from Windermere Bay Area Properties donated their time to the Alameda Food Bank to assist Alamedans with food insecurities.
#alameda #FoodBank #FoodInsecurity #WindermereFoundation #WindermereBayAreaProperties
#alameda #FoodBank #FoodInsecurity #windermerefoundation #windermerebayareaproperties
Firms seeking massive profits are driving inflation, not workers
'People should simply accept they are poorer,' says someone earning about £180000 (Bank of England chief Economist).
#inflation #costofGREEDcrisis #costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #profits #wages #unite #BankOfEngland #profiteering #ProfiteeringCrisis #FoodPriceInflation #foodprices #FoodBank #brexit #InstutionalPoverty #destitution #poverty
I visited a #FoodBank yesterday (as part of a Report for Work, not thankfully as a client)
It was decorated with Charles III images and bunting.
Nothing says Britain 2023 than a Food Bank celebrating a Billionaire with a Gold Hat that we're all paying for.
Before hitting the stage in front of tens of thousands of fans at NRG Stadium on Friday, Taylor Swift made a "generous donation" to the Houston Food Bank, the organization revealed.
Read about it here:
#FoodBank #taylorswift #houston #texas #charity
This Sunday!!! #slideintospring_yyc
This is a #free event for #trombonists of all levels. Plan to bring a #donation for the evening concert to help support our #calgaryfoodbank
More info at links in bio!
#trombone #posaune #lowbrass #brass #music #foodbank #foodbankchallenge
#community #communityfirst
#internationaltromboneweek @trombonefestival #spitvalve
#slideintospring_yyc #free #trombonists #donation #calgaryfoodbank #trombone #posaune #lowbrass #brass #music #FoodBank #foodbankchallenge #community #communityfirst #internationaltromboneweek #spitvalve
The view from a #foodbank: you couldn't ask for a better summation of how the UK's 'compassion' is patterned:
'Rich people help themselves, poor people help each other'!
-Give #Foodbanks cash donations, not items. You rarely give bags of sand to a cancer charity, or spoons to an animal sanctuary. Donate money to your #Foodbank. It can bulk buy more necessary & cheaper than you can, increasing value.
-Giftaid taxbreak your donations to increase value.
£1 becomes £1.25 in UK
-Don't buy charity singles etc. Lots money is skimmed off that way. Give direct instead.
👇Foodbanks & poverty, what we can do👇
#whatcanwedo #tldr #foodbanks #FoodBank
Tory Vice Chair #LeeAnderson, who thinks #foodbank users can manage on 30p meals, has the brass neck to show a video with him on a South American jolly paid for by the taxpayer. This kind of Tory is as odious as #Sunak, #Raab, #ReesMogg et al. #TorySleaze
#LeeAnderson #FoodBank #Sunak #raab #reesmogg #torysleaze
The appointment of #LeeAnderson as Dep Chair tells us much about this Tory party. He's a hang 'em & flog 'em Tory, criticises #foodbank users etc. He's an affront to human dignity, just like the party of #liars. #fairness #fraternity #ToryLiars
#LeeAnderson #FoodBank #liars #fairness #fraternity #ToryLiars
#foodbank #FoodbankBritain #Monarchy
#FoodBank #FoodBankBritain #monarchy
'I drove down Ealing Rd in my constituency on Saturday morning, the queue for the #foodbank was over quarter of a mile', @BarryGardiner, 'these people feel that they are the victims of a system that doesn't take their right to eat seriously'. #CostOfLiving
As Britain sinks in to a literal see if shit, food bank use soars, the health services crumble, the government refuse to engage on paying a living wage. The nation will spend millions on a bloke in fancy dress putting on a camp sorting hat, rejoice peasants and marvel at your betters.
#KingCharles #Coronation #RoyalFamily #royals #news #politics #ukpolitics #laurakuenssberg #Kuenssberg #bbc #tory #tories #strike #strikes #nhs #FoodBank #ToryCorruption #Corruption
#KingCharles #Coronation #RoyalFamily #royals #news #politics #ukpolitics #laurakuenssberg #Kuenssberg #bbc #tory #tories #strike #strikes #nhs #FoodBank #ToryCorruption #Corruption
A Tory MP tried to use one of his staff to make a point about living standards and it fell flat - Canary
Lee Anderson has once again made a fool of himself on Twitter, leading to parodies involving muppets, dogs, and elves
#ToryMP #tories #Anderson #FoodBank #nurses #twitter #parody
There are more #foodbanks than #McDonalds in the #UK.
But that fact has been around for some time, & #foodbank pressure has been growing & growing. So did everyone just sort of hit that horrible fact & get frozen? How many foodbanks is it now? What's going on? How do we help?
👇What can we do👇
#whatcanwedo #foodbanks #mcdonalds #uk #FoodBank
This is always a very tough time of year for your local #FoodBank and while a food #donation is amazing, please consider cash if you can do it:
Not only will your money go further and provide the charity with flexibility in how to best use your donation, in many places you'll also get a tax deduction!
And of course, if you can manage it, a small recurring donation is better than a large lump sum, as that creates a more predictable income stream for the #charity.
Without saying "I'm not fit to hold any public office", show me you're not fit to hold public office.
#Sunak #disgrace #unfittorule #tory #Conservative #FoodBank
Meet Bea… Bea was 11 yesterday.
Bea had a birthday party, and asked for her friends to bring donations for our local food bank instead of presents.
Bea is my niece, and I could not be prouder 💕 #BeMoreBea #FoodBank