Helena Simmons · @Hellybootwader
283 followers · 1037 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Reminded of a piece of information I read/heard a while ago about how people used to eat a wider diversity of plants, maybe 200+ (details are fuzzy & I couldn’t find a number by searching online).
At the time we wrote out all that we ate as a family.
I think we made it to 100, it would be interesting to see if we managed to diversify further. As we have grown a few new perennial plants since then.
I wonder if gardeners eat a bigger range?

#FoodDiversity #howmanyplantsdoyoueat #food

Last updated 1 year ago

· @janet
216 followers · 562 posts · Server todon.nl

Around the world there are thousands of unique foods and flavours - varieties of fruits, grains, vegetables and animal breeds. And products of a specific place, from a type of bread, to a style of cheese.
Many are endangered and disappearing. We need to help save them.
Food diversity can help increase resilience around the world, and protect against future threats including climate change.

Food Diversity is essential for our health and for the health of the planet.
Food Diversity is part of our identity. It is part of our culture.
Food Diversity represents our past and our future.


#agroforestry #nogmo #heirloomseeds #FoodDiversity #seedfreedom

Last updated 2 years ago

Yewi · @yewi
72 followers · 109 posts · Server mastodon.scot

Well, several newly-settled farmers here do that in small scale.🦆👍

But even that requires much, so I converted my land for potatoes and taros, in belief that staple food can be diversified.🤔🥔🍠

#vegetables #gardening #farming #food #growyourown #FoodDiversity #foodsecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

James M Branum יעקב מתתיהו · @jmb
285 followers · 429 posts · Server social.coop