#WTF #Florida #FoodInsecurity #SchoolMeals
Don't let you know who find out he'll call it woke and destroy it.
#wtf #florida #FoodInsecurity #schoolmeals
"Tens of thousands of Texans are set to face new barriers to accessing food stamps under this spring’s deal to raise the federal debt limit...Under the new work requirements, SNAP participants ages 51 and under without dependents or disabilities will have to work at least 80 hours a month beginning in early September to continue using food stamps. The age increases to 53 in October and 55 in 2024."
#publichealth #FoodInsecurity #poverty
Volunteers from Windermere Bay Area Properties donated their time to the Alameda Food Bank to assist Alamedans with food insecurities.
#alameda #FoodBank #FoodInsecurity #WindermereFoundation #WindermereBayAreaProperties
#alameda #FoodBank #FoodInsecurity #windermerefoundation #windermerebayareaproperties
Millions of US people in poverty face problems with #foodinsecurity, #medicaldebt & lack of suitable housing. But an issue often left out of the conversation is hygiene insecurity. Learn how “Hygiene Locators” connect people with basic essentials for free.
"Among those surveyed that did not participate in SNAP, households that were entirely Black or multiracial were more likely to be food insecure than white households.
By contrast, of the households that did enroll in SNAP, those that were entirely Black or multiracial actually had a decreased likelihood of being food insecure when compared to their entirely white counterparts."
#publicheath #FoodInsecurity #disparities
Today in Squirrel News: #Kenya launches an ambitious initiative to tackle #foodinsecurity, Stockholm's plans to build the world's largest wooden city, #Canada bans #animaltesting for cosmetics & much more #solutionsjournalism for your reading pleasure👇 https://squirrel-news.net/news/kenya-launches-africas-largest-school-food-program-worlds-largest-wooden-city-canada-bans-animal-testing/
#Kenya #FoodInsecurity #canada #animaltesting #solutionsjournalism
"According to Feeding Texas, a nonprofit food bank network that lobbied for HB 1287, more than 54,000 Texas SNAP applicants were rejected in 2022. But some of those families will qualify in September if their primary vehicle is valued under $22,500 and any additional vehicles are valued under $8,700."
#texas #txlege #publichealth #FoodInsecurity
"“It’s not doing anything to help them, to help the economy. It’s just a punitive way to take food away from people,” said Ellen Vollinger, the SNAP director for the Food Research & Action Center, an anti-hunger group...“If you’re 50 to 54, you may be dealing with age discrimination,” she said.
#publichealth #FoodInsecurity #food
Global News BC: Grocery prices making healthy food unaffordable for B.C. families, BCCDC says https://globalnews.ca/news/9723516/grocery-prices-healthy-food-unaffordable-bc-families/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.CentreforDiseaseControlfoodreport #B.C.CentreforDiseaseControl #BCfamiliescan'taffordfood #lower-incomehouseholds #SurreyFoodBanks #BCfoodsecurity #FoodInsecurity #CostofLiving #foodcosts #BCcosts #Canada #BcFood #BCCDC #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #bcfamiliescan #lower #surreyfoodbanks #bcfoodsecurity #FoodInsecurity #costofliving #foodcosts #bccosts #Canada #bcfood #BCCDC #BC
A least in this wealthy country, a big part of food insecurity is plain, old-fashioned racism.
Black Leaders Push Back Against Dollar Stores - Capital B
#FoodInsecurity #foodjustice #Racism
Weather and #climate extremes were the primary driver of acute #foodinsecurity for 57 million people in 12 countries.
@oisinmcgann yup. And let’s not@forget, their poor harvest is our high food prices and ongoing food poverty. We import 50% of everything we eat, a lot of it from climate affected areas.
#ClimateCrisis #FoodInsecurity
#ClimateCrisis #FoodInsecurity
Food prices jump despite drop in wholesale costs https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65448642
Food retailer behaviour needs very careful monitoring over the next few months as crop yields shrink or fail completely due to changing weather patterns & global warming. Don’t put it beyond them to continue profit gouging as shortages increase.
#FoodInsecurity #Costoflivingcrisis
Britain once rioted over the price of bread. What would it take for us to confront greedflation today? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/28/british-bread-greedflation-profiteering-poor?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
The price of 🥖
#ClimateCrisis = #socialjustice crisis. Free market economics deepens the divide and will soon be compounded, as climate crisis = #FoodInsecurity.
Who will go hungry first? Mass civil unrest is coming. And sooner than we think.
#ClimateCrisis #socialjustice #FoodInsecurity
@RichardAshwell #FoodInsecurity - we will all be talking about this soon enough. Very worrying.
"The House GOP package would jeopardize the health coverage of about 21 million people, according to an analysis released Tuesday by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Though the vast majority of working-age Medicaid recipients work or qualify for an exemption, many could get dropped because of new reporting and administrative requirements."
#uspol #medicaid #FoodInsecurity
Food banks in Atlanta, New Jersey, Ohio, California, and Washington State and national anti-hunger groups told Reuters that demand is rising because of inflation and the end of a temporary expansion of federal food assistance benefits that kept millions out of poverty during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.
#publichealth #food #FoodInsecurity
#Globa #riceshortage is set to be the biggest in 20 years #FoodInsecurity https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/19/global-rice-shortage-is-set-to-be-the-largest-in-20-years-heres-why.html #AsiaPacific in consumes 90% of the world’s rice.
#globa #riceshortage #FoodInsecurity #AsiaPacific
Does Ottawa’s grocery rebate signal a shift to a broader guaranteed basic income?
#Canada #Economy #Politics #Inflation #Poverty #FoodInsecurity #CostOfLiving #FoodBanks #BasicIncome #FederalBudget2023 #UniversalBasicIncome #Groceries #GroceryRebate
#canada #economy #politics #inflation #poverty #FoodInsecurity #CostOfLiving #foodbanks #basicincome #federalbudget2023 #universalbasicincome #groceries #groceryrebate
Federal budget 2023: Grocery rebate is the right direction on food insecurity, but there’s a long road ahead
#Canada #Politics #Food #Inflation #IncomeSupport #FoodInsecurity #Grocery #CostOfLivingCrises #CostOfLiving #GroceryRebate
#canada #politics #food #inflation #incomesupport #FoodInsecurity #Grocery #costoflivingcrises #CostOfLiving #groceryrebate