Beaverton: Galen Weston defends $3 million raise by asking “Have you seen how expensive stuff is getting lately?” #satire #canada #commentary #costofliving #FeaturedPost #GalenWeston #foodprices #groceries #inflation #Business #Loblaws #Trudeau #NoName
#satire #Canada #commentary #costofliving #FeaturedPost #galenweston #FoodPrices #groceries #Inflation #business #loblaws #trudeau #noname
Beaverton: Highlights of the Liberal’s 2023 Budget #satire #canada #commentary #ChrystiaFreeland #FeaturedPost #JagmeetSingh #DentalCare #foodprices #Pharmacare #National #Liberals #politics #budget #EI
#satire #Canada #commentary #chrystiafreeland #FeaturedPost #jagmeetsingh #dentalcare #FoodPrices #pharmacare #national #liberals #politics #Budget #EI
Think your grocery bill is high now? Just wait. #PriceGouging #MegaMergers #inflation #FoodPrices
#pricegouging #megamergers #Inflation #FoodPrices
The above sparked the thought that maybe there should be economic studies on impact of Fenland farmland being out of action. What would 25% of the Fens being unable to produce food mean for prices?
I asked ChatGPT - no firm answer but seems likely there are mean to estimate it! Full chat here, also a good example of the power of ChatGPT too
#ChatGPT #FoodPrices #Floodrisk
#chatgpt #FoodPrices #floodrisk
This sparked the thought that maybe there should be economic studies on impact of Fenland farmland being out of action. What would 25% of the Fens being unable to produce food mean for prices?
I asked ChatGPT - no firm answer but seems likely there are mean to estimate it! Full chat here, also a good example of the power of ChatGPT too
#ChatGPT #FoodPrices #Floodrisk
#chatgpt #FoodPrices #floodrisk
Beaverton: Loblaws credits record profits to “raising prices on things humans need to live” #satire #canada #commentary #foodprices #inflation #Business #Loblaws #Food #food
#satire #Canada #commentary #FoodPrices #Inflation #business #loblaws #food
Better and better margins?
The @loblawco stock profile explain recent food price hikes in Canada. Thanks to booming profits last year, share price ballooned from $60 to $120 in 2 years as shareholders profit on the backs of struggling Canadians.
#FoodPrices #BCPoli #canpoli
Beaverton: Man caught stealing eggs from Loblaws charged with theft over $5,000 #satire #canada #commentary #GalenWestonJr. #FeaturedPost #foodprices #inflation #Business #Loblaws #Robbery #eggs
#satire #Canada #commentary #galenwestonjr #FeaturedPost #FoodPrices #Inflation #business #loblaws #Robbery #eggs
Global News BC: Soaring grocery prices in Canada spark increase in thefts from stores: researcher #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Grocerystoresthefts #Foodpricesincrease #grocerystoretheft #FoodpricesCanada #CostOfGroceries #Groceryprices #FoodpricesBC #FoodPrices #Foodtheft #Economy #Canada #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #grocerystoresthefts #foodpricesincrease #grocerystoretheft #foodpricescanada #costofgroceries #Groceryprices #foodpricesbc #FoodPrices #foodtheft #economy #Canada #crime
Global News BC: Four ways life could get pricier in B.C. in 2023, and a handful of ways it might not #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouverhousing #BCcostofliving #HousingPrices #BCgovernment #BCRealEstate #CostofLiving #YearinReview #FoodPrices #inflation #Consumer #Economy #bchydro #2023 #ICBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Vancouverhousing #BCcostofliving #HousingPrices #BCgovernment #BCRealEstate #costofliving #yearinreview #FoodPrices #Inflation #Consumer #economy #bchydro #ICBC
Global News BC: B.C. government promising help to local food producers amid cost pressures #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FoodPriceReport #foodprocessing #BcFoodPrices #FoodPrices #processing #Groceries #Politics #DavidEby #Economy
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #FoodPriceReport #foodprocessing #BcFoodPrices #FoodPrices #processing #groceries #politics #DavidEby #economy
Brexit has added 6% inflation to food prices, says Bank of England official | The Independent
Wages are worth less as direct result of departure from EU, says Monetary Policy Committe member
#brexit #Inflation #FoodPrices #Costoflivingcrisis #Wages
Cognitive Carbon
Kazakhstan to restrict exports of grain/flour - one of TOP 10 grain exporters in world.
70 nations depend on imports from Kazakhstan.
This breakdown in global food trade is exactly what was foreseen by John Podesta’s Food Chain Reaction Game in 2005. (In fact it was even slated to happen in 2022).