"Indigenous peoples in Brazil are widely regarded as land protectors, and a new study of the Atlantic Forest confirms it."
“If we want to save the forest, we need the government to officially recognize that this is our land.”
#IndigenousPeoples #LandRights #ClimateAction #Biodiversity #Wildlife #Rainforest #Forest #IndigenousRights #FoodSovereignty
#indigenouspeoples #landrights #ClimateAction #biodiversity #wildlife #rainforest #forest #indigenousrights #FoodSovereignty
“The land work won’t work without the people work”
If we're to safely navigate the social, economic & environmental challenges ahead then we need to gather together, find commonality, evolve a shared vision & form cooperative movements to carry us across the threshold of change.
#regenerativeculture #food #community #resilience #spirituality #consciousevolution #localism #bioregionalism #kinship #ecology #rewilding #health #wellbeing #climateaction #wildlife #foodsovereignty #agriwilding
#RegenerativeCulture #food #community #resilience #spirituality #consciousevolution #localism #Bioregionalism #kinship #ecology #rewilding #health #wellbeing #ClimateAction #wildlife #FoodSovereignty #Agriwilding
"Our findings indicate that pasture-fed livestock approaches may be particularly beneficial for grassland and wider ecosystems."
#Agroecology #NaturesRecovery #Biodiversity #Agriwilding #HolisticPlannedGrazing #Wildlife #RegenerativeFarming #Food #FoodSovereignty #Health #Grasslands #Ecosystems
#agroecology #NaturesRecovery #biodiversity #Agriwilding #HolisticPlannedGrazing #wildlife #regenerativefarming #food #FoodSovereignty #health #grasslands #ecosystems
Double Jeopardy Report: how nature based solutions threaten food sovereignty and agroecology. The rising threat from false climate solutions.
#FoodSovereignty #IndigenousPeoples #NaturesRecovery #Agroecology #NatureBasedSolutions #LandRights #CarbonOffsetting #BiodiversityNetGain #Offsetting #NetZero #Food #Farming #Rewilding
#FoodSovereignty #indigenouspeoples #NaturesRecovery #agroecology #naturebasedsolutions #landrights #carbonoffsetting #BiodiversityNetGain #offsetting #netzero #food #farming #rewilding
"A true economy — a general caring for our Home — will emerge from the reconciliation. It will be within balance, and it will meet all the needs of all the beings within its web."
#Economics #PostGrowth #Degrowth #Ethics #Morality #Biocentrism #Farming #Wellbeing #Happiness #Health #Culture #Community #Resilience #Collapse #Capitalism #LandRights #FoodSovereignty #Capitalism #Reciprocity
#economics #postgrowth #degrowth #ethics #morality #Biocentrism #farming #wellbeing #happiness #health #culture #community #resilience #collapse #capitalism #landrights #FoodSovereignty #reciprocity
The Oxford Real Farming Conference (#ORFC23) Online Programme!
"This three-day programme offers 70 sessions that have been programmed with partners and farming communities from more than 100 countries. It includes a mix of online-only talks and sessions which are being live-streamed from the in-person ORFC in Oxford."
#Agroecology #RealFarming #RealFood #Food #IndigenousPeoples #FoodSovereignty #Agroforestry #LandRights #Resilience #RegenerativeFarming #Ecology
#ORFC23 #agroecology #RealFarming #RealFood #food #indigenouspeoples #FoodSovereignty #agroforestry #landrights #resilience #regenerativefarming #ecology
GREAT to see that #ChrisPackham will join the Oxford Real Farming Conference (#ORFC23) in January as a show of solidarity with leading voices in #Agroecology from six continents who recognise the urgent need to transform #Food & #Farming by working with #Nature, not against it.
#RegenerativeFarming #Agroforestry #Permaculture #Regenerative #Resilience #FoodSovereignty #LandRights #IndigenousPeoples #Agriwilding #Wildlife #Conservation #Biodiversity #LandSharing
#chrispackham #ORFC23 #agroecology #food #farming #nature #regenerativefarming #agroforestry #permaculture #Regenerative #resilience #FoodSovereignty #landrights #indigenouspeoples #Agriwilding #wildlife #Conservation #biodiversity #LandSharing