Melanzane ripiene con un ingrediente in più, che le farà finire in un attimo! Ricetta qui 👉👉👇
#4giugno #melanzane #ricetta #recipe #Foodie #FoodieBeauty #cucinare
#4giugno #melanzane #ricetta #recipe #Foodie #FoodieBeauty #cucinare
Ciambelline alle fragole con effetto variegato: belle da vedere e golosissime da mangiare! Ricetta qui 👉👉👇
#food #6maggio #RecipeOfTheDay #recipe #FoodFriday #FoodieBeauty
#food #6maggio #RecipeOfTheDay #recipe #foodfriday #FoodieBeauty
Plumcake al bicchiere senza bilancia: aromatizzato al limone e senza burro Ricetta qui 👉👉👇
#plumcake #30marzo #food #RecipeOfTheDay #FoodieBeauty #foodphotography
#plumcake #30marzo #food #RecipeOfTheDay #FoodieBeauty #foodphotography
Panini al vapore con crema di nocciole: nella vaporiera o con il Bimby 👇👇la ricetta
#RecipeOfTheDay #recipes #FoodieBeauty #food #12febbraio
Willkommen im Internet, Herr #Digitalminister @Wissing
RT @ZDFnrw: Müssen wir jedes Essen in den Sozialen Netzwerken posten? Nein, sagen die #G7-Digitalminister/innen, die sich in #Düsseldorf getroffen haben. "Denken wir daran, dass das erhebliche Folgen hat?", fragt Digitalminister Volker #Wissing. #FoodieBeauty #G7ger
[tweet of 2022-05-11 17:53]
#digitalminister #G7 #dusseldorf #Wissing #FoodieBeauty #G7GER
Pandolce genovese basso: facile e senza lievitazione (anche per i principianti) 👇👇la ricetta
#pandolce #FoodieBeauty #food #recipe #29dicembre
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations /
R to @AnonOpsSE: @EeriePepperoni you have 24 hours to get on camera and correct the lies you have spread about EVERYTHING. If you do not comply I will personally bless the Op that is ready to dismantle the #FoodieBeauty community BULLIES and stop ALL of you from gaining profit off of hate.
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations /
RT by @AnonOpsSE: @EeriePepperoni in the #FoodieBeauty community #gorlworld said because I didn't accept her narrative that she would intentionally and knowing weaponize my abuser.
#FoodieBeauty Anyone from GOrlWorld who knows me from Twitter, please follow in case the Twits goes down
RT @pvt_ak: This time last year I was planting strawberries, now I’m picking them !
Love it love it love it !!
The sheer exhilaration of picking something you’ve grown beats anything. Happy times.
#allotment #GYOmag #growyourown #FoodieBeauty
#allotment #GYOmag #GrowYourOwn #FoodieBeauty
Wer ist der Meinung, dass eine Bürger*innenversammlung bessere Ergebnisse erzielt hätte als - das hier?!
RT @ZDFnrw
Müssen wir jedes Essen in den Sozialen Netzwerken posten? Nein, sagen die #G7-Digitalminister/innen, die sich in #Düsseldorf getroffen haben. "Denken wir daran, dass das erhebliche Folgen hat?", fragt Digitalminister Volker #Wissing. #FoodieBeauty #G7ger
#g7 #düsseldorf #wissing #FoodieBeauty #G7ger
"Neeein, wir brauchen kein #Tempolimit, stattdessen stellen wir alle unseren Instagram-Konsum ein!!!11!!"
RT @ZDFnrw
Müssen wir jedes Essen in den Sozialen Netzwerken posten? Nein, sagen die #G7-Digitalminister/innen, die sich in #Düsseldorf getroffen haben. "Denken wir daran, dass das erhebliche Folgen hat?", fragt Digitalminister Volker #Wissing. #FoodieBeauty #G7ger
#tempolimit #g7 #düsseldorf #Wissing #FoodieBeauty #G7ger