12. Un jeu qui a changé votre vision des #JdR
#ForTheQueen a tout changé. Je peux jouer avec n'importe qui, sans préparation et avec des instructions concrètes sur des cartes faciles à manipuler. J'ai joué chez des amis après avoir été invité à déjeuner. J'ai joué en ligne pendant le confinement. Les parties peuvent être simples ou philosophique, mais toujours drama.
D’ailleurs, si vous ne connaissez pas forthedrama.com allez découvrir tous les jeux #DftQ qui vous attendent.
#septemberpg #jdr #ForTheQueen #DFTQ
7. #JdR le plus malin auquel vous avez joué
#ForTheQueen #PourLaReine d'Alex Roberts qui explique sa situation de départ, ses règles, reparti la parole en quelques cartes, provoque un thème cohérent grâce aux cartes questions, et en même temps laisse une énorme part à l'interprétation des participants.
Beaucoup de jeux sont bourrés d'idées, mais rarement aussi immédiatement utilisables, aussi contenus dans la forme et réutilisables.
#rpgaday2023 #jdr #ForTheQueen #pourlareine
Today's #WerewolfTheApocalypse game was mostly story-heavy. The characters of the veteran players explained all the prior events to the new packmate. Turns out we have played this campaign for five years now and despite only three months passing in game, a lot of stuff has happened...
Afterwards, the characters told stories they had heard of the main NPC of the coming scenario, the Admiral of a small ocean settlement called the Rust Fleet who once had to go on a diplomatic mission.
So now they will be meeting a cruel but honest tyrant with a weakness for cherry beer. The last question was "Do you think she is a good admiral"?
Thank you, Alex Roberts, for helping a lazy GM shift prep work to players by adapting #ForTheQueen!
#werewolftheapocalypse #ForTheQueen #ttrpg #pnpde #ciferrpgmusings
It's a Descended from the Queen, a game that takes from the game #ForTheQueen from @muscularpikachu
Draw cards, read questions, play a great story in the span of an hour or two.
@thomas I love TTRPGs with world-building in them. Some do this on the fly and others do it procedurally in setting up the game.
Games like #Fate, #CortexPrime, and others let you spend resources and make things real, including setting elements.
Games like #TheQuietYear, #Dialect, and #ForTheQueen have you build/change as you go in the rules. #Epyllion asks you to detail the world using a map and I love it.
Games like #Microscope and #I'mSorryDidYouSayStreetMagic are about world-building.
#fate #cortexprime #thequietyear #Dialect #ForTheQueen #epyllion #microscope #i
#queen #comic #comicshort #shortcomic #boobs #oppai #forthequeen
#queen #comic #comicshort #shortcomic #boobs #oppai #ForTheQueen
RT @i_demand_games@twitter.com
At 1 pm we have #monsteroftheweek (@MotW_rpg@twitter.com), #forthequeen (@muscularpikachu@twitter.com), #backagainfromthebrokenland (@ClovenPineGames@twitter.com), #Sattar (Anton), #Bulldogsrpg (@GalileoGames@twitter.com), #katanasandtrenchcoats (@GalileoGames@twitter.com), #fallofmagic (@hotdeernicorn@twitter.com). Line has space! Come play!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/i_demand_games/status/1599458250000601088
#monsteroftheweek #ForTheQueen #backagainfromthebrokenland #sattar #bulldogsrpg #katanasandtrenchcoats #fallofmagic
Ce soir, on va jouer à #ForTheQueen avec mon équipe de #ThirstySwordLesbians (pour cause d'un joueur absent) et je suis joie !
#jdr #jds
#ForTheQueen #ThirstySwordLesbians #jdr #jds
🧵2/x #LeTTRPG
Are you a fan of #ForTheQueen? This game resulted in a LOT of #DescendedFromTheQueen #TTRPG by French-speakers. 👑
@LamSon is the author of #ForThePromisedLand.
You are an exiled, migrant, refugee, or an expatriate. You live in a city that is not the land of your ancestors. As a family you apply for citizenship, and it will fail. Explore the period of application, under the scrutiny of the citizens.
You can play it online in English at
#LeTTRPG #ForTheQueen #DescendedFromTheQueen #ttrpg #forthepromisedland
Ce weekend, j'ai eu la chance de voir deux parties enregistrées de mes jeux !
@monsieuralceste a réalisé un live de Un Dernier Tour de Piste #FinalLap #ForTheQueen
De son côté, la JDR Academy ( @jdrpodcast ) s'est lancée dans #ApresLAccident #JDR #solo #JDRSolo !
Merci à eux ! Merci à tous qui proposaient des vidéos de jeux indés, ça nous fait super plaisir (et ça nous aide !)
#FinalLap #ForTheQueen #apreslaccident #jdr #solo #JdrSolo #actualplay
Ce soir, chez @monsieuralceste , vous pourrez suivre Un Dernier Tour de Piste #FinalLap, mon jeu #ForTheQueen où l'on incarne des pilotes lancés dans la dernière course de la saison.
C'est sur #Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/monsieuralceste
#FinalLap #ForTheQueen #twitch #actualplay #jdr
Hier soir, j'ai playtesté le Grand Grand Hôtel de Côme Martin, et c'était très chouette.
La proposition est originale : on ne joue pas un personnage en particulier. On vit des scénettes dans l'hôtel, on crée des lieux, des personnages via un tirage de cartes et des mini-jeux. Y a un peu de #ForTheQueen et de #Firebrands là-dessous.
Et puis, y a un aspect legacy. C'était la 3e ou 4e partie dans cet hôtel. Des lieux et personnages existaient déjà. Et on a pu les utiliser.
A découvrir !
@nickwedig Three intriguing pitches. I really like the third one (and the first one rejoins partially a draft I got, about playing only the "Side quests" of a group of adventurers).
I like to see how people use the #ForTheQueen ruleset.
Last 5 #ttrpgs I've played:
#ParisGondoTheLifeSavingMagicOfInventorying with @Rolistespod
#TransmissionForThem on my own
#fateaccelerated with my kids
#AdventureMaximus with my kids
#ArchAngelDatingSimulator on my own
5 games I'd like to play:
#Mausritter for my kids
#iHunt with the right group
#ForTheQueen with anybody I can find
#Nibiru still after nearly three years
#CityOfWinter when it arrives!
#ttrpgs #ParisGondoTheLifeSavingMagicOfInventorying #TransmissionForThem #fateaccelerated #AdventureMaximus #ArchAngelDatingSimulator #Mausritter #ihunt #ForTheQueen #Nibiru #CityOfWinter
When I discover #ForTheQueen, I instantly see how that format could lead to many great games. And started designing my owns.
I released #FinalLap quickly, and playtest it in various conventions.
Racing is a great incentive to emotions. And I fueled myself with great racing movies. Sacrifice, Rivalry, Danger.
Now, here the game in its final form. A 24-page booklet, requiring a 52-card deck.
I'm very grateful to all those who play it.
Here's the game : https://gulix.itch.io/final-lap/devlog/450365/the-final-version-of-the-final-lap
Hey, yeah, #5and5 time
Last 5 Played
#Vampire [aka Mafia aka Werewolf]
#5e some more please send help
Want to Play
#5and5 #5e #Dungeonpunk #ForTheQueen #vampire #ForgedInTheDungeon #bladesinthedark #Genesys #IronEddaReforged #ReadySetFeast
For the #TTRPG fans out there.
Last 5 played
Next 5 I want to play
#ttrpg #RosewoodAbbey #AgainstTheDarkConspiracy #svalbard #ParisGondoTheLifeSavingMagicOfInventorying #ForTheQueen #TrophyDark #TalesOfXadia #CthulhuDark #CodeWarriors #YouDieInADungeon