CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
110 followers · 585 posts · Server

came into the world because of the 1% aka the who no matter what fills its own pockets through ruthless practices And all at the expense of Mother and "normal" people.
proved that there is an establishment


Why is the so worried??? Because the on the must be attacked through secret services.
Following the Eoman empire aka divide and rule.

#occupy #establishment #business #wallstreet #Forbes500 #hedgefunfs #buffett #Carlyle #earth #nature #environment #climate #wikileaks #evil #Eisenhower #dutch #aivd #mi6 #cia #truth #nwo #zionism #basel

Last updated 1 year ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
110 followers · 570 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
205 followers · 569 posts · Server

People worldwide should wake up to what is really happening with global
New research finds really disturbing facts.
What happens in happens also in other places with dire consequences for us all, and its not only sea level rise.

thats just melting ice, you could say, but this is a really dangerous
is to all species.
discovered that certain with a specific gene can convert inorganic mercury into toxic .

host spooked by revelation that is making deadlier!

Many things are happening people don't see right now, but it will come as an avalanche of despair worldiwde

Both are responsible for our

#warming #melting #science #greenland #poison #mercury #toxic #scientists #microbes #methylmercury #msnbc #ClimateChange #fungus #bbc #EU #europe #america #guardian #dw #bild #france24 #asia #africa #australia #Times #India #journalism #journalists #nyt #spiegel #zeitung #NOS #Forbes500 #wallstreet #future

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
199 followers · 551 posts · Server

While have a responsibility to protect the interests of their constituents and the broader public, we see that their decisions favour the many times, supporting the interests of the Forbes 500 or other powerful business interests for economic growth and job creation, neglecting the damage done to the and as a whole.

There is often tension between the interests of powerful corporations and the needs of ordinary citizens, particularly when it comes to issues such as worker rights, environmental protection, and consumer safety. It is the responsibility of politicians to balance these competing interests and make decisions that are in the best interests of all of their constituents, not just the wealthiest and most powerful.

Unfortunately, it is up to just a handful of politicians who really prioritize the needs and interests of citizens over those of powerful corporations and the wealthy elite aka the 1%.

Thisis a very unhealthy situation in our current and should be adressed ASAP to keep a functioning

For instance Voters in a liquid democracy have the right to vote directly on all policy issues with a binding outcome!

#politicians #Forbes500 #environment #nature #humanity #honest #politics #democracy

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
198 followers · 548 posts · Server

Disastrous is already happening, thx to the industry who keeps destroying our livable planet for
The should be sued worldwide and be forced to repair all done to the
With no escape possibilities through l
The puppets of the evil industrial military complex like Macron to name a few should all be held accountable for their actions towards the future of our planet.
What happens in right now was all predicted by the

#ClimateChange #fossilfuel #earth #Profit #Forbes500 #wallstreet #damage #environment #corrupt #politicians #politics #biden #trump #Sunak #scholz #Catalonia #spain #clubofrome #bbc #EU #europe #america #guardian #dw #bild #france24 #asia #africa #china #australia #KlimaKrise #COP15 #COP28 #climate #ClimateCrisis #cnn #ExtinctionRebellion

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
184 followers · 466 posts · Server

and most are outright blatant aka puppets of the , world’s leaders are not even addressing the growing crisis.

Writing in the Los Angeles Times, , 20, said that financial resources need to be aggressively poured into “solutions, adaptations, and restorations” to address , but that the funds are currently “going elsewhere.” In the pockets of
“The often-used argument that ‘we don’t have enough money’ has been disproven so many times,” she wrote.

“According to the International Monetary Fund , the production and burning of , and was subsidized by $5.9 trillion in 2020 alone. That is $11 million every minute, earmarked for planetary destruction.”
It once more shows the top 1% is as hell.
They should be held accountable for all the damage they do!

As said, There are two things infinite , the and human

#politicians #leaders #liars #establishment #climate #dicaprio #DontLookUp #thunberg #ClimateChange #shareholders #wallstreet #Forbes500 #imf #coal #oil #fossil #gas #corrupt #einstein #Universe #stupidity #KlimaKrise #newzealand #climatechaos #corruption

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
182 followers · 447 posts · Server

I love this!
Four times more protesters expected than first thought today on the A12, an important highway..There is a big demo in the organised by to stop subsidies and grants for the fuel industry.
and 's say that the Rutte gives subsidies and grants of 17.3 billion euro a year, the lying government says its 4.5 billion a year.
We call our ith a reason!
During the energycrises all profits go to and at the expense of all people and worldwide.
This must STOP!

#netherlands #ExtinctionRebellion #fossil #scientists #ngo #rightwing #corrupt #government #pm #pinokkio #rutte #Forbes500 #shareholders #nature #COP15 #cop27 #cop8 #climate #KlimaKrise #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #greenpeace #milieudefensie #urgenda #un #extinction

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
185 followers · 430 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
187 followers · 415 posts · Server

What did they expect? continues 24/7/365 and doesn't wait for or to reach an agreement on measures to stop Catastrophic continue to surge across
said it was "the worst Western Australia has had in its history".

Remember and many more civilisations who have disappeared in the past.
If we continue like this it will happen on a global scale!

#ClimateChange #politicians #Forbes500 #wallstreet #ClimateCrisis #floods #australia #minister #flooding #easterisland #angkorvat #mu #COP15 #cop27 #climate #ExtinctionRebellion

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
179 followers · 401 posts · Server

Nothing in this world is permanent
So I’m sharing this ’s with you
For the year to come,
I wish more , .
Less and ,
and may go extinct.
No more for the
Free education for everyone!
A tax for the
In short, a better world for the majority.
A healed Earth. Grtz Pi-Qui

#newyear #wish #love #compassion #hate #lies #fascism #racism #hunger #poor #robinhood #windfall #Forbes500

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
175 followers · 387 posts · Server

Its every where on our globe. the keeps polluting our !! The air in is so bad that residents were called on by the on Wednesday 28 December 2022 not to exercise outside.
Air pollution has reached a level where it can harm people's . The department that monitors air quality in the Spanish capital warns against this.

#Forbes500 #environment #pollution #madrid #spain #police #health #COP15 #cop27 #fossilfuels

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
164 followers · 362 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
151 followers · 341 posts · Server

Once more they show their hypocrite face to the world.
it's a dirty game, are nothing better, they are part of the 1%, and some people in this group are totally
sanctions are easily bypassed by . How governments to their people is horrendous.
The shadow tanker fleet, with dozens of front companies, and 's close friend and certain international companies do not comply with the laws of their own countries.
has built a scheme to circumvent Western sanctions.
The of the channel tracked the routes of the tankers and obtained evidence of the cooperation of a number of Western firms with the 's regime. It happened in and it is still happening.


or now and their evil work in WorldwarII

It is still relevant.

#politics #politicians #corrupt #EU #usa #russia #lie #putin #Medvedchuk #journalists #uatv #kremlin #terrorist #worldwarii #ibm #IGFarben #Bayer #Monsanto #zyklonb #Ukraine #genocide #Forbes500 #wallstreet #shareholders

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
150 followers · 329 posts · Server

We know a lot of have extreme and want to maximise but this is over the top and inhumane.
Burmese workers that produced F+F jeans for in report being trapped in effective forced labour, working 99-hour weeks for illegally low pay in appalling conditions, a investigation has found.
heartless people exploiting

#businessmen #greed #Profit #burma #tesco #Thailand #guardian #slaves #slavery #un #HumanRights #Forbes500 #wallstreet #shareholders #poverty

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
119 followers · 283 posts · Server

Now we are talking big in the , why am I not surprised?
This has been going on for years and is only the top of the iceberg called EU parliament.
The deposed vice-president Eva of the European Parliament, is now also suspected of cheating with the compensation for her staff.
The European Public Prosecutor's Office is now asking to lift the parliamentary immunity of the so that she can be prosecuted. The same applies to a second Greek Maria .

arev the cow dealers of

#corruption #EU #kali #eppo #greek #mep #spyraki #politicians #democracy #Forbes500 #wallstreet #wikileaks

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
107 followers · 275 posts · Server

What your do not want you to know about the accelerating change and the runaway global heating emergency!

Why are most lying about change Well, thats easy I think, they have been corrupted by and especially the industry
And they care more about power and political career than the future of our planet.

#governments #climate #politicians #Forbes500 #wallstreet #fossilfuel #cop27 #COP28 #un #connectthedots #climatechaos #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #methane #co2 #permafrost

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
105 followers · 223 posts · Server

Maybe I see links in society that aren't there, but I find this kind of news disturbing .
has threatened to remove content from in the .

man Mark objects to a new law that would give news organisations greater power to negotiate fees for content shared on Facebook.
A similar law, passed in led to news on Facebook being briefly suspended last year

It looks like we are already in the middle of it

threatening governments #1984

#meta #news #facebook #us #greed #zuckerberg #australia #business #tech #Forbes500 #wallstreet

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
100 followers · 212 posts · Server
CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
90 followers · 161 posts · Server

I don't think a lot of people realise how they are being manipulated to buy from the evil industrial conglomerate aka the .
There are many methods, for instance subliminal messages incorporated in TV series for kids, child programs at are used for this as you will see in this .
The industry uses and to manipulate into buying products for their kids.
firms use many different tricks to make you buy for instance or other products attacking weak spots in your personality.
For parents it is most of the time their kids.
so it is not only the fuel industry that needs to
The whole system needs to be

#Forbes500 #nickelodeon #docu #psychologists #Sociologists #parents #pr #marketing #ipad #iPhone #cop27 #climate #blackfriday #fossil #change

Last updated 2 years ago

CineversityTV · @CineversityTV
75 followers · 138 posts · Server

So this is the man supports?????
The man has swindled many people with his University and never paid them back.
He has stolen money from his supporters for his campaign and never gave the money back.
He has done -evasion on a major scale thats why he didn't want to give the insight in his finances.
Personally I believe that he wants to be re-elected for a selfish reason, when he is again he has diplomatic immunity and doesnt have to go to jail!!
So he can avoid insight in his financial situation and his scams and schemes..
What wil happen when Trump is re-elected;
.1) This would be very bad for measures.
2) Continuing the Big Lie like Hitler did before him.
3) Abortion rights for women.
4) Human Rights for black voters in the
5) He is an outright hypocrite, with ties to the KKK swindlers
6) His attacks on the affordable Care for people make the rich richer, and the poorer.
7)His use of the treasury to line his own pockets,
8) His handling of the -19 pandemic costing 1.09 million American lives.
9) His hugely regressive changes to the Tax code favouring the rich establishment!
10) blackmail of fellow
11) disrespect for women, Donald the
12) Lies about military service.
13) supporter gunviolence mass shootings

#elon #musk #trump #gop #tax #irs #potus #ponzi #climate #cop29 #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ExtinctionRebellion #usa #kkk #racism #racists #fascists #wallstreet #poor #corruption #covid #Forbes500 #republicans #pussygrabber #nra

Last updated 2 years ago