Practiced my Swedish skills at today’s @EP_SingleMarket exchange of views 🇸🇪 with Ministers @JohanForssell & @ErikSlottner.
At the discussion on the priorities of #sweden2023EU I asked how Sweden intends to move forward with the #ForcedLabourBan. ⤵️
#Sweden2023EU #ForcedLabourBan
Die Kommission hat endlich ihren Vorschlag zum #ForcedLabourBan veröffentlicht. Ein wichtiger Vorstoß für mehr verantwortungsbewussten Handel. Meine ganze Einschätzung: 👉🏼
Imagine a trade instrument ensuring that no products tainted with forced labour - made in #Uyghur detention camps or elsewhere - can be sold in the 🇪🇺!
MEPs @anna_cavazzini @yjadot @rglucks1 call for a solid #ForcedLabourBan to be introduced.
RT @GreensEFA: Imagine a trade instrument ensuring that no products tainted with forced labour - made in #Uyghur detention camps or elsewhere - can be sold in the 🇪🇺!
MEPs @anna_cavazzini @yjadot @rglucks1 call for a solid #ForcedLabourBan to be introduced.