Labour cancels NEC Forde update – SKWAWKBOX
#FordE #FordeReport #FordeUpdate #nec #labour
#Labour cancels NEC #FordeReport update
Party accused of cover-up and doubts raised about new promised date for briefing on party’s actions on Forde’s recommendations
For those who might have missed it - again, I don't exactly blame you - the #FordeReport confirms that senior #Labour staff wrongly diverted substantial funds to an operation favouring anti-Corbyn MPs, covertly. It shows that this was part of a pattern of them departing from agreed electoral strategies.
It finds that Labour staffers failed to address widespread reports of bullying and discrimination based on protected characteristics, and that their refusal to address these serious problems appears to have been factionally motivated.
It confirms a culture of racist, sexist bullying among senior staff themselves.
It confirms that the 2005-6 'validation exercises' conducted by the party were aimed at preventing people from voting for Jeremy Corbyn.
So, naturally, 'Labour sources' fell over themselves to emphasise that it did not confirm the straw-man that there was an actual conspiracy specifically to lose Labour the 2017 election. Naturally, media pundits went along with this.
Secret document reveals Israel lobby’s dominance of Labour
#labourrightwingcoup #FordeReport #labourfiles #labour
‘Labour is taking the black vote for granted’
Sir Keir Starmer’s party watered-down efforts to tackle anti-black racism, according to a whistleblower
#labourfiles #islamophobia #FordeReport #racism #labour
If a "hierarchy of racism" is never acceptable (and it isn't), then why is the Forde report (which identified such a hierarchy within Labour) being buried, and why has Forde himself being ignored by Starmer and the Labour hierarchy (and most of the UK media)?
#hypocrisy #antisemitism #hierarchyofracism #FordeReport #labour
It gives me the chills to see the comments on the #DianeAbbott hashtag.
Abbott has long been a victim of disgusting racism, yet a bunch of Guardian-reading dupes are ready to denounce her as if this current mistake is more than just a poorly-worded letter.
Where was #Labour's reaction to the #FordeReport? What action did they take then against the non-left wing party members?
#DumpTheGuardian #FordeReport #labour #dianeabbott
#Skwawkbox | #Labour suspends first #Black #woman #MP #DianeAbbott for highlighting party’s hierarchy of #racism
The storm of outrage that the right displayed at Abbott’s words was completely absent when a leaked Labour #FordeReport exposed the appalling racism and abuse of Labour staff toward Diane Abbott and other black MPs and Labour employees.
#starmer #FordeReport #racism #dianeabbott #mp #woman #black #labour #SKWAWKBOX
It wasn't long ago that despite various findings to the contrary, the #METPolice denied institutional racism and have largely got away with it. Our former prime minister was allowed to take the top office despite habitual anti black rhetoric and stereotypes. #KeirStarmer has swept the #FordeReport under the table. #SuellaBraverman is using Asian prejudice to win votes. The only refugees we've welcomed with open arms in recent years are from Ukraine. Surely at least a discussion needs to be had.
#SuellaBraverman #FordeReport #keirstarmer #metpolice
Now that Diane Abbot has been suspended from the Labour Party, will the Forde report continue to be ignored?
The Forde Report Proves the Labour Machine Was Rotten to Its Core
A majority of BAME #Labour councillors deselected in Leicester weeks before the council elections.
Is this what Martin Forde KC was refering to when he spoke of a 'heirarchy of racism' in the Labour Party ? #FordeReport
Labour accused of still not engaging with ‘hierarchy of racism’ claims
Author of report into party’s culture voices concern antisemitism is taken more seriously than other forms of racism
#ItWasAScam #labourracism #labourcorruption #FordeReport #LabourLeaks #LabourFiles
Martin Forde interview makes UK’s fake media left squirm.
#hierarchyofracism #FordeReport #labourparty
How unreasonable of Mr Forde KC, to expect Labour officials/leadership to act on the report they commissioned him to write, detailing a hierarchy of racism in the Labour Party. #FordeReport #Labour #TheLabourFiles #ItWasAScam #Antisemitism
#antisemitism #ItWasAScam #thelabourfiles #labour #FordeReport
For those who remember "The Labour files" from Al-Jazeera last year - now they've published a follow-up, featuring an interview with Martin Forde of the Forde report. Very interesting
#FordeReport #AlJazeera #LabourFiles #Antisemitism #Racism
#FordeReport #aljazeera #LabourFiles #antisemitism #racism
Read this, in case you are thinking of voting for a Starmer-led Labour party. #Labour #Starmer #FordeReport
"The BBC ...slammed by Martin Forde KC for its coverage of the Labour party, ... some of its coverage as being "entirely misleading". ... accused the BBC of taking an internal email sent within the Labour party out of context. He said the email - used in a BBC Panorama documentary - ...the "context was lost and a more sinister interpretation could be placed upon that email than was ever intended...seemed to be "objectively entirely misleading"
Hm! There's a fourth episode of #AlJazeera's #LabourFiles documentary. Maybe this is the content that was originally cur from the third episode which saw it delayed and a bit shorter than the others?
The #Forde Response
#FordeReport #starmer #corbyn #labour #FordE #labourfiles #aljazeera
Sabotage, treachery, lies the heirarchy of racism.
Martin Forde QC shares his views on the reaction (or lack of) to the #FordeReport in the latest instalment of Al Jazeera's #LabourFiles
#FordeReport #LabourFiles #corbyn #antisemetism #ItWasAScam