RT @SOSforet
Et ce matin encore, le cordon de l'alarme du GIEC déjà bien grignoté est tiré une fois de plus : des forêts vont continuer de brûler.
#IPCCReport #megafeux #ForestDay @PalomaMoritz
#ipccreport #megafeux #ForestDay #biomass
RT @EPPOnews: Today we celebrate the International Day of Forests. Its theme for 2023 is Forests and Health.
The EPPO Panel on Quarantine Pests for Forestry works to help NPPOs in the EPPO region to ensure that our forests are protected from quarantine pests.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Plants_EFSA/status/1638270549779464192
Tuning trunk
A forest in Sea Cliff, NY • 2023
#thicktrunktuesday #newYork #forest #tree #photography #blackAndWhite #monochrome #tuesday #mastodon #nofilter #photooftheday #altText #internationaldayofforests #forestDay #crewdteesdotcom
#crewdteesdotcom #ForestDay #internationaldayofforests #alttext #photooftheday #nofilter #Mastodon #tuesday #monochrome #BlackAndWhite #Photography #tree #Forest #NewYork #thicktrunktuesday
Trotz Vertragsverletzungsverfahren gegen #Rumänien gehen die #Abholzungen weiter, Hölzer aus illegalen Rodungen kommen weiter in den Handel.
Daher ein neuer Appell zum #TagDesWaldes an EU-Kommissiar @VSinkevicius klare Kante zu zeigen:
https://www.martin-haeusling.eu/presse-medien/pressemitteilungen/2967-internationaler-tag-des-waldes-illegale-abholzungen-in-rumaenien-muessen-aufhoeren.html #ForestDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinHaeusling/status/1638173901997105153
#Rumänien #Abholzungen #TagdesWaldes #ForestDay
Los #bosques juegan un papel crucial en la lucha contra el cambio climático, por lo que es fundamental que apoyemos su crecimiento.
Únete a nuestra misión de plantar #3BillionTrees para 2030 y tener un impacto positivo.
Planta un árbol🌳🌲⬇️
RT @EU_Commission: Forests play a crucial role in combating climate change, so it is key that we support their growth.
Join our mission to plant #3BillionTrees by 2030 and make …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1638261957378596865
#bosques #3BillionTrees #ForestDay
صحة #الإنسان من صحة #الغابات..
في #اليوم_الدولي_للغابات 🌳 نقترح عليكم جولة رفقة @NisrineELKETTA1 إلى منطقة أجدير بإقليم الخنيفرة 🇲🇦، حيث نلتقي بسكينة التي حولت شغفها بالرياضة الجبلية إلى مشروع تعاونية للسياحة البيئية بدعم من 🇪🇺.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UE_au_Maroc/status/1638231732838080520
#الإنسان #الغابات #اليوم_الدولي_للغابات #EUGreenDeal #ForestDay
RT @Marcpalahi: 🌳🌲Happy International Day of Forests! #ForestDay #IntlForestDay
Today is important to remember that we, humans, are Here,…because trees and forests made Earth habitable for us…
This is the planet of the trees, …remember this.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/miapetrakumpula/status/1638211631749447685
Para Ximena Ureta, #ChapinaEnErasmus, "el conocimiento y amor por los #bosques🌳🌲 es algo que debemos promover desde la niñez, para que seamos adultos conscientes y responsables con nuestro entorno natural".
Su mensaje en #Linkedin⤵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/UEGuatemala/status/1638214745692987393
#ChapinaEnErasmus #bosques #linkedin #ForestDay #Erasmus
🌲It's the Int. #ForestDay🌳
W/Deputy Agri. Min. Lazar Radulovic, MEP @FitoreP, 🇸🇪Amb. @AmbSwedenKosovo, 🇺🇳 Dev. Coordinator Spence, @FAO's Krasniqi & Pristina's @albanzogaj, tdy@ Germia/Grmija Park, we marked the importance&critical role of forests in sustaining our environment.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUKosovo/status/1638209751493345280
To mark it, here is a lovely tree in the woods - extra points if you can tell me what it is!!
#Nature #Trees #ForestDay #Woodland
#woodland #ForestDay #Trees #Nature #internationaldayofforests
RT @Women4Biodiv
WATCH: Priscah Liman from @Paceps in Kenya talks about how the women in Kamatira Forest are crucial to the health of the community and the forest. 🌳🌳🌳
#ForestDay #IntlForestDay #GenderIsABiodiversityIssue
@SwedBio @Sida @UNBiodiversity @UNCCD @UNFCCC @FAO @GlobalLF @CIFOR
#genderisabiodiversityissue #IntlForestDay #ForestDay
Today is International Day of Forests! Forest Fires can be monitored and analysed with the help of high-value datasets.
Read our data story for an example 👉 https://europa.eu/!Qn4rk3
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_opendata/status/1638118309077094403
RT @FAOForestry
Did you know?
More than 30% of new diseases since 1960 are attributed
to land-use change, including deforestation
We need healthy forests for healthy people!
#generationrestoration #IntlForestDay #ForestDay
🌲Las jest jednym z najważniejszych ekosystemów- 🦌🐿️zapewnia schronienie dla wielu gatunków zwierząt i roślin, ♻️reguluje klimat, oczyszcza powietrze oraz wodę 💧.
Dziś obchodzimy Międzynarodowy Dzień Lasów.
#PolskieLasy #ForestDay #IntlForestDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/j_wisniewska/status/1638154046522507265
#PolskieLasy #ForestDay #IntlForestDay
Has your organisation planted trees in Europe and would like to register them as part of the 🇪🇺 #3BillionTrees Pledge?
Then check out our new step-by-step tutorial video and learn how to register them 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1638125555630342146
#3BillionTrees #EUForests #ForestDay
RT @EUgreenresearch: Today is #ForestDay💚
Discover this selection of #H2020🇪🇺 projects that are actively contributing with practical tools and innovative solutions to help protect forests in Europe and beyond!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1638118522214555651
RT @CopernicusEMS: #ForestDay #IntlForestDay
#DYK that our #EFFIS helps protect #forests🌳 by providing forecast information and monitoring fire danger & #wildfires 🔥 in support of emergency management authorities❓
⬇️Fire Danger Forecast for 25 July 2022 over the Iberian peninsula 🇪🇸🇵🇹
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ENV/status/1638104886578499586
#ForestDay #IntlForestDay #DYK #EFFIS #forests #wildfires
Međunarodni dan šuma poziva na davanje, a ne samo na uzimanje. Ne zaboravimo, samo zdrave šume mogu nam donijeti mnoge dobrobiti, a jedna od najvažnijih je zdravlje. #MoslavačkaGora #croatiafulloflife #ForestDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/marijana_petir/status/1638143158365179906
#MoslavačkaGora #croatiafulloflife #ForestDay
🧐How much do you know about forests and health?
Take our #ForestDay quiz and share your score in the comments.
👉 http://bit.ly/3n2xxh4
#GenerationRestoration #ForestDay
RT @EU_ENV: Has your organisation planted trees in Europe and would like to register them as part of the 🇪🇺 #3BillionTrees Pledge?
Then check out our new step-by-step tutorial video and learn how to register them 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1638130801584775168
#3BillionTrees #EUForests #ForestDay