#Aluminum #environmental #pollution: the silent killer
Reema H. Alasfar & Rima J. Isaifan, Published July 2021
The concern about aluminum (Al) toxicity has been proven in various cases. Some cases are associated with the fact that Al is a #neurotoxic substance that has been found in high levels in the brain tissues of #alzheimers disease (AD), #epilepsy, and autism patients. Other cases are related to infants, especially premature infants and ones with renal failure, who are at the risk of developing the central nervous system (CNS) and bone toxicity. This risk is a result of #infants’ exposure to Al from milk #formulas, intravenous-feeding solutions, and possibly from aluminum-containing vaccinations. Furthermore, most antiperspirants contain aluminum compounds that raise human exposure to toxic Al. This review paper is intended to discuss in detail the above concerns associated with aluminum, and hence urges the need for more studies exploring the effects of overexposure to Al and recommending mitigation actions.
Some "anthropogenic sources of aluminum are #toothpaste, vaccination, #antiperspirants, and some drugs, including buffered aspirin and #antacids (Crisponi et al. 2013). Currently, there is a great concern that human exposure to toxic aluminum from numerous sources is raising the potential for harmful health effects. Aluminum has been recently associated with neurotoxicity (Klotz et al. 2017). Hence, in the following sections, the paper discusses the impacts of aluminum on human health based on several cases reported in the literature."
The paper goes on to say that, "the human body is dermally exposed to Al by applying antiperspirants and cosmetic products (de Ligt et al. 2018). Specifically, aluminum chlorohydrate is an important ingredient present in many antiperspirant brands to treat hyperhidrosis (de Ligt et al. 2018). The frequent use of these items means that Al is accumulated in the body (Borowska and Brzoska 2015). As mentioned previously, Al is a toxic metal which has been linked to AD and other neurological disorder, and in the long-term contributes to bone toxicity. Hence, measuring the concentration of Al in antiperspirants and cosmetics and how much absorbed by the skin is of great necessity to ensure safe dermal use of these products. Unfortunately, there are only very few studies concerned with dermal exposure to Al (Corkins 2019; de Ligt et al. 2018; Freundlich et al. 1985; Weintraub et al. 1986)."
#AluminumPollution #ToxicChemicals #BodyShaming #BodyOdor
Read more: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-021-14700-0
#aluminum #environmental #pollution #Neurotoxic #alzheimers #epilepsy #infants #Formulas #toothpaste #antiperspirants #antacids #aluminumpollution #toxicchemicals #bodyshaming #bodyodor
@empiricism The thought experiment is not in scope of #theoreticalphysics and not even #physics. As of now, there is no evidence of (massive) things moving faster than light. Consequently, the #theory we have, is not tested for such things. And #science is the opposite of speculation.
Of course we can enter higher velocities into our #formulas and get strange results. But that may not be related to #reality.
#reality #Formulas #science #theory #physics #theoreticalphysics
今では @sakaefuchino で LaTeX code も書けるようになっているけれど,鳥類の世界では formulas が書けなくて苦しんだので,そのときに,mac や ipad の keyboard setting を調教して,例えば,
{ 𝑥 ∈ ℝ : 𝑥 は 𝖫 上の Cohen real }
などという utf-8 symbols だけの偽数式が,比較的少ない key strokes で,LaTeX の数式モードで書くような感覚で書けるようにしておいたのは,よかったと言える.
最初から mathstodon.xyz に住んでいたら,これは思いつかなかったかもしれない.
もっとも \(2^{\aleph_0}\) と書こうとするとこれはもう無理で,せいぜいが 2^{ℵ₀} とでも書くしかなくなってしまうのだが ...
現在のところ #fedibird では LaTeX は使えないが,今のところ数学のコミュニケーションを日本語でするつもりもないので,これはこれでいいかもしれないと思っている.
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The revelation that #hashtags don't necessarily travel reliably between instances and servers is a bit concerning.
What if there is a lively conversation somewhere about #Excel and #GoogleSheets #formulas and I'm just missing it all!!???
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