just to add, I have noticed that Israel is often labeled, correctly in my view, an apartheid state, so it's not as if the left is not familiar with the idea that this is a way racism and the state can develop even outside of Southern Africa.
It seems to me interesting that a Jewish, and, in many ways, European state can be seen to be an apartheid one, but #FortressEU style politics is not parsed in those terms.
That might be because my comparison is wrong or it might be that the settler colonial aspect of Zionism and apartheid is dominating how we think about this type of society*.
It could also be grist to my mill. Israel and the Jews are other enough that we aren't scared to put Zionism in the apartheid camp, but our own societies won't get thought through in those terms.
So, the new FRONTEX boss is Hans Leijtens, a highly decorated soldier and former head of the Dutch Tax Agency (Belastingdienst) from 2015-2019. The agency was involved in one of the biggest racism scandals in recent Dutch history: from 2013-2019, about 20.000 parents and their children were accused of tax fraud, partly based on racial profiling by an algorithm. Research on the scandal is still ongoing.
#racism #frontex #FortressEU
@Emathion Intense. That drawing touched me. It's about the three year old Alan Kurdi from Kobani, Syria.
#SayTheirNames #FortressEU
@Emathion Intense. That drawing touched me. I guess it's about the three year old Aylan Kurdi from Kobani, Syria.
#SayTheirNames #FortressEU
RT @teammareliberum@twitter.com
"6-year-old dead. State-EU-Frontex murderers." Samos
#refugeesGr #refugees #LeaveNoOneBehind #FortressEurope #FortressEU #FreedomOfMovement #SafePassage #ShameOnYouEU #Borders #NoBorders #Aegean #Greece #DefendSolidarity
#defendsolidarity #greece #aegean #noborders #borders #shameonyoueu #safepassage #freedomofmovement #FortressEU #fortresseurope #leavenoonebehind #refugees #refugeesgr