#giffey and the #spdberlin are so desperate to bury the #deutschewohnenundcoenteignen that they are happy to deliver us into the hands of the #cdu. We rely once more on the Berlin #jusos to save us from the #FossilFuelCartel and the political wings of the #propertyspeculator international.
#propertyspeculator #FossilFuelCartel #jusos #cdu #deutschewohnenundcoenteignen #spdberlin #giffey
RT @MimiTexasAngel@twitter.com
I am 70 ~ #Texas needs #MedicareForAll we are #1 uninsured Americans are here in #energy state of disaster #FossilFuelCartel #VoteBlue we need new faces all blues are not equal • https://twitter.com/RedBeretsM4All/status/1222649807128256512
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MimiTexasAngel/status/1222770602324434945
#MedicareForAll #voteblue #FossilFuelCartel #energy #texas