#EUGeneralCourt dismisses as inadmissible MEP @repasi ‘s challenge to @EU_Commission Regulation 2022/1214 which classifies investments in #FossilGas and #NuclearEnergy as environmentally sustainable #Taxonomy #environment 👉https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/Jo2_7052/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCourtPress/status/1671526603573043202
#EUGeneralCourt #FossilGas #NuclearEnergy #Taxonomy #environment
The General Court has dismissed my action for annulment against the Taxonomy Delegated Act as inadmissible. This is not a total surprise. I can still lodge an appeal against this decision at the CJEU. The game is not yet over. Stay tuned.
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EU Court of Justice: #EUGeneralCourt dismisses as inadmissible MEP @repasi ‘s challenge to @EU_Commission Regulation 2022/1214 which classifies investments in #FossilGas an…
@MikaelToll @mattiasgoldmann @klimatbevakaren Det finns ingen som lägger miljardbelopp på en missvisande lobbykampanj att om kedjeoljor till motorsågar skulle vara bra för klimatet.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MaxAndersson/status/1635901916461907969
RT @EUASE: 🇪🇺 needs more efforts to close a 27 bcm gap of #fossilgas in 2023, says @vonderleyen & @fbirol
Key takeaway: #energyefficiency is the best tool identified to cover the gap, especially #buildingrenovations highlighted by @IEA
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1602617679927545861
#FossilGas #EnergyEfficiency #buildingrenovations #REPowerEU #EPBD #Fitfor55
I ett halvår har Sverige sagt sig stödja Ukraina men mördargasen fortsätter att flöda in i Sverige. Snacka kan ni men det är vi på Greenpeace som måste agera för ni skiter i Ukraina & folkviljan.
RT @greenpeaceSE: BREAKING: Activists stop Russian Fossil Gas from entering Sweden. Demand @SwedishPM stops flow of russian fossils #StopFuellingWar #ukraine #fossilgas https://www.greenpeace.org/sweden/pressmeddelanden/52547/greenpeace-a…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CarlSchlyter/status/1567825591335886848
#StopFuellingWar #Ukraine #FossilGas
#Fossilgas and #NuclearEnergy aren’t sustainable energy sources and shouldn’t be labelled as such. 1/9
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/donath_anna/status/1546457157339680770
RT @foeeurope: This Wednesday 🇪🇺 decision-makers will vote on a list of 'sustainable' energy sources under the #EUTaxonomy for private finance.
The proposal includes #fossilgas & #nuclear...neither of which are green...
The only thing green about them is their GREENWASHING! #NotMyTaxonomy
#EUtaxonomy #FossilGas #nuclear #notmytaxonomy
Spot on @Teresaribera !
RT @ecopolitain: Efforts to label natural gas and nuclear power activities as green will only benefit a limited number of industries in a restricted number of countries & will hinder Europe’s energy transition, writes Teresa Ribera
#swgreen #fossilgas #kärnkraft #taxonomy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/IsabellaLovin/status/1542968170721542145
#swgreen #FossilGas #Kärnkraft #Taxonomy
RT @Left_EU: Tomorrow @europarl_en will vote on the #GasStorage regulation, which introduces an obligation for Member States to fill up their gas storage by 85% before the winter of 2022/23.
Here’s a thread 🧵with a few unresolved issues about #FossilGas and its storage 👇
RT @Left_EU: Tomorrow @europarl_en will vote on the #GasStorage regulation, which introduces an obligation for Member States to fill up their gas storage by 85% before the winter of 2022/23.
Here’s a thread 🧵with a few unresolved issues about #FossilGas and its storage 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1539520944007532549
RT @Left_EU: Tomorrow @europarl_en will vote on the #GasStorage regulation, which introduces an obligation for Member States to fill up their gas storage by 85% before the winter of 2022/23.
Here’s a thread 🧵with a few unresolved issues about #FossilGas and its storage 👇
Wondering how this is possible?
Well the gas lobby has been working hard to make sure EU institutions and Member States continue investing in #FossilGas
Tomorrow @europarl_en will vote on the #GasStorage regulation, which introduces an obligation for Member States to fill up their gas storage by 85% before the winter of 2022/23.
Here’s a thread 🧵with a few unresolved issues about #FossilGas and its storage 👇
RT @corporateeurope: The EU's plan to get off Russian gas envisages #fossilgas from other repressive regimes and BIG imports of renewable hydrogen. Heard that somewhere before? 🤔
🚨 WARNING: #gaslobby at work 🚨
Check out the new op-ed from @pascoesabido + @ChloeMkljczk https://socialeurope.eu/eu-hydrogen-import-targets-a-neo-colonial-resource-grab
In #RepowerEu c’è la spinta a più energie rinnovabili e efficienza energetica. Ma tutto questo è contraddetto dalle risorse date al #gas (10 miliardi…) che si aggiungono a quelli previsti dai cosiddetti #PCI progetti di interesse comune. @Kyoto_Club @FranFerrante
RT @Global_Witness: BREAKING🔴
The @EU_Commission plans to quit Russian #FossilGas propose pouring BILLLIONS into new infrastructure that would make Europe more depende…
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/monicafrassoni/status/1527186858047832064
#REPowerEU #Gas #PCI #FossilGas