My #RainbowSnippets is up!
#KindleUnlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #Espionage #thriller #vampires #Werewolves #paranormal #foundfamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld
#rainbowsnippets #kindleunlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #espionage #thriller #vampires #werewolves #paranormal #FoundFamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld
My #TuesdayTeaser is up!
#KindleUnlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #Espionage #thriller #vampires #Werewolves #paranormal #foundfamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld #MMBookstodon
#tuesdayteaser #kindleunlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #espionage #thriller #vampires #werewolves #paranormal #FoundFamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld #mmbookstodon
My Dad can be a right arse, I still hug him and tell him I love him. Sometimes it brings a tear to his eye.
Before my #FoundFamily brother moved to America we would hug and say "I love you bro!". We still do the last bit on What'sApp.
Before my neighbour and friend, Colin, moved to Europe, we would also hug each other. I needed to stand on a step where possible as he is too tall to hug comfortably.
Our local Reverend also gets hugged, though she probably doesn't count! 😉
Today I got up a bit earlier,
Then we took Dad shopping.
After we took Dad to the hospital,
Visiting Mum.
I did some work emails,
And checked on Mum's appointments.
Found some fabric for Sue,
And I cut out new pockets for my jeans.
Started sewing the pockets,
But distracted by a phone call.
Spoke 3 hours with my brother* in Texas,
Then did caretaking.
Checked on Dad,
He is keeping a good routine.
Watched YouTube,
And WhatsApp chatted with my sister*.
Time for bed now,
Night all.
Just been on the phone for 3 hours to my #FoundFamily brother in Texas.
A: They have open carry guns there.
B: He watches UK TV, but has never seen #TheRepairShop!
I don't know which is more concerning now!
My #RainbowSnippets is up!
#KindleUnlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #Espionage #thriller #vampires #Werewolves #paranormal #foundfamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld
#MMBookstodon #LGBTQBookstodon #WritersOfMastodon #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#rainbowsnippets #kindleunlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #espionage #thriller #vampires #werewolves #paranormal #FoundFamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld #mmbookstodon #lgbtqbookstodon #writersofmastodon #scifi #sciencefiction
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💫💫💫Nominated for LR Cafe's Best of 2021 Awards in the Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Fantasy/Steampunk Book💫💫💫
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💫💫💫💫eBook sale! Only 2.99 or read in KU!💫💫💫💫
💫💫💫Nominated for LR Cafe's Best of 2021 Awards in the Best Paranormal/Urban Fantasy/Fantasy/Steampunk Book💫💫💫
Universal Book Link:
#KindleUnlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #Espionage #thriller #vampires #Werewolves #paranormal #foundfamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld
#bookstodon @bookstodon
#kindleunlimited #elizabethnoble #spyfi #espionage #thriller #vampires #werewolves #paranormal #FoundFamily #lgbtqsuspense #lgbtqthriller #paranormalthriller #howlingcorgipress #thesleeplesscitysharedworld #bookstodon
We are going to try and work in the phrase "More tea, Vicar?" at some point. 😉
We're non believers, but the Rev is Sue's employer, and a member of my #FoundFamily so it will be lovely to see her.
I have three members of #FoundFamily.
First found me 30 years ago, next two I added recently when I realised just how great a privilege it was to have them in my life.
I have added another person to my Found Family*. Now at three.
*Found Family are just people in my life who I have decided have earned the position of 'family' to me. It becomes mutual, and we will care for, respect, and love each other unconditionally as family members ought to, but often where blood family doesn't.
I'm not very good at sticking with long book series, but Will Wight's Cradle series somehow won me over. I absolutely adore Yerin and Mercy (and Dross and Orthos and...). They're my favourite Found Family.
I'm on book 10!
#decrecs #sff #FoundFamily #bingereading #bookstodon
Name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable.
#felting #knitting #wrestling #RoyalRubyGlass #capybara #NatureDocumentaries #FoundFamily #introduction