Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Advanced Player’s Guide Playtest on Foundry VTT #PathfinderforSavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #playtest #News #VTT
#PathfinderforSavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #playtest #news #vtt
Anyone got any experience running Fate Core/Condensed in Foundry VTT?
I've seen a couple of modules including the official one but just wondering if anyone has recommendations.
#ttrpg #FoundryVTT #fatecore #FateCondensed
#BackstoryCards have links on the prompts for randomly selecting to which PC or setting element the backstory prompt is tied to. Tags such as Adversarial, Job, or Co-op identify the theme of the card. If you want to exclude a particular tag such as Adversarial, the #FoundryVTT module allows you to do exactly that.
The #FoundryVTT module for #BackstoryCards includes macros for drawing cards and fillable setting grid scenes and a virtual table around which you can position the PCs, which is used for PC prompts that indicate which PC a prompt is tied to (e.g. one to the left, two to the right, across, etc.).
I talk a lot about Eberron for Savage Worlds, but did you know that The Immaterial Plane has a license for #FoundryVTT modules for #BackstoryCards, too? We partnered with Galileo Games to offer a module that allows one to interactively and collaboratively use them online.
Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion — Now Available for Foundry VTT #FantasyCompanion #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #News #VTT
#FantasyCompanion #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #vtt
Another update on #Eberron for #SavageWorlds for @foundryvtt The content and styles for the Journal Entries are in place. Currently working on creating the Actors for Organizations and the Bestiary. The screenshots attached are examples of the layout.
#eberron #SavageWorlds #FoundryVTT
The #FoundryVTT module version of #Eberron for #SavageWorlds is making progress!
#FoundryVTT #eberron #SavageWorlds
SWADE Updated to v5.0 on FoundryVTT #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Updates #News #VTT
#SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Updates #news #vtt
Licensee Spotlight: Titan Effect for Savage Worlds is Now Available for Foundry Virtual Tabletop #SavageWorldsLicensees #DriveThruRPG #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Licensee #News #VTT
#SavageWorldsLicensees #DriveThruRPG #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Licensee #news #vtt
Savage Worlds Modules for Foundry VTT Updated to V11 #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Updates #News #VTT
#SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Updates #news #vtt
I don't like seeing the health bar under my character's icon changing color from green to orange and being only about half as full as it started out.
COMBAT SUCKS (because I'm losing, obviously)
#gamenight #fantasyage #FoundryVTT
It's game night!
Picking up where we left off last week, in the town of Mariston (homebrew setting), three of our party are planning to get themselves arrested and tossed into the town jail so they can talk to the baron who's been accused of cattle rustling by his rival.
The fourth, being a man of some cloth or other, is abstaining and hopes to help us from the outside.
Wish us all luck. We're still learning this #FantasyAge system, and the #FoundryVTT setup, and and and
Rise of the Runelords – Book 1 Updated for Roll20 & FoundryVTT #PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #News #VTT
#PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #vtt
This Week’s Savage Media Roundup #NecessaryEvil3 #Crowdfunding #Kickstarter #FoundryVTT #Twitch #Media #News #VTT
#necessaryevil3 #Crowdfunding #kickstarter #FoundryVTT #Twitch #media #news #vtt
FoundryVTT Starter Set – Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Player’s Guide + SWADE #SavageWorldsAdventureEdition #Rifts®forSavageWorlds #FoundryVTT #News #Sale #VTT
#SavageWorldsAdventureEdition #Rifts #FoundryVTT #news #sale #vtt
S5E: Superheroic Roleplaying in Print & for Foundry VTT #SigilEntertainmentGroup #SigilEntertainment #S5EfromSigil #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #News #S5E
#SigilEntertainmentGroup #SigilEntertainment #S5EfromSigil #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #S5E
Savage Rifts®: Atlantis and the Demon Seas—Now on Foundry VTT #Rifts®forSavageWorlds #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #News #VTT
#Rifts #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #vtt
FoundryVTT Pathfinder® for Savage Worlds Bestiary Update #PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #News #VTT
#PathfinderforSavageWorlds #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #vtt
Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse for Savage Worlds—Now Available for Foundry VTT #Holler:AnAppalachianApocalypse #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #Holler #News #VTT
#Holler #SavageWorlds #NewRelease #FoundryVTT #news #vtt