The real reason why #bitcoin fiat valuation goes down. Most people own IOU's, not bitcoin. I fear this week is only the beginning of the reckoning of this reckless game of musical chairs. #Hodl on to your sats.
RT @Hodlonaut
What if the reason bitcoin is still so cheap is that many many people are buying and holding bitcoin that simply doesn’t exist?
#FractionalReserve #hodl #bitcoin
The War Is Over!: Binance Announces FTX Buyout And The Market Recovers
#fractionalreservebanking #TheBinanceVs.FTXwar #FTX’sbusinessmodel #AlexanderLeishman #FractionalReserve #SamBankman-Fried #AlamedaResearch #IsFTXInsolvent? #liquiditycrunch #FTXVs.Binance #TuurDemeester #ChanpengZhao #DylanLeClair #insolvent #ArthurOx #Binance #BNBUSD #All #BNB #FTT #FTX #SBF #CZ
#fractionalreservebanking #TheBinanceVs #FTX #AlexanderLeishman #FractionalReserve #SamBankman #AlamedaResearch #IsFTXInsolvent #liquiditycrunch #FTXVs #TuurDemeester #chanpengzhao #DylanLeClair #insolvent #ArthurOx #binance #BNBUSD #all #bnb #FTT #SBF #CZ
Forced #vaccines means the elites want to own your body.
Freezing bank accounts in #Canada? There also saying they control your wealth.
They want to own you.
There is now a bank run in Canada. I guess people don't want to have owners. They want to be free.
It's well past time to get out of their current currencies and retain your freedom over your wealth and your body.
#freedom #health #FractionalReserve #centralbank #BigPharma #canada #vaccines