I just read about a new set of attacks on wifi connections. They are called #fragattacks. The most useful one would get you to use a malicious DNS server.
Using DNS over HTTPS (DoH) makes you safe against this attack, as well as other DNS spoofing attacks and censoring via DNS.
📬Lesetipps: Spam von der Krankenkasse, erpressbare Polizei, Geburtstage📬 https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps-spam-von-der-krankenkasse-erpressbare-polizei-geburtstage/ #DAKGesundheit #MathyVanhoef #Datenschutz #FragAttacks #KonradZuse #MikeKuketz #Lesetipps #Luca-App #Babuk
#babuk #luca #lesetipps #mikekuketz #konradzuse #Fragattacks #datenschutz #MathyVanhoef #dakgesundheit