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The_Augustya: Mansikta dekho inki how they hate so much from kafirs #islamicterror #FranceRiots
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vilimsky/status/1686676460658925568
Diese salbungsvolle Rede von CDU-Laschet zu den #FranceRiots zeigt: Sie kapieren es nicht. Sie kapieren nicht , dass Masseneinwanderung nicht funktioniert. Deshalb werden sie es immer weiter betreiben. Nur die #AfD stoppt diesen Wahnsinn. https://t.co/QFJwyNgvP8
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KrahMax/status/1677360811021410308
The idiocy of some of these people 🤣
"They colonised us for 132yrs, and now, it's our turn to come here"
On one hand, I'm happy #Sharia invasion is taking place in whore cities of #france using the same techniques of the "summer of love". Because fuck 'em.
On the other hand, I can imagine proponents of the Great #Replacement theory laughing and saying "Told you so".
#greatreplacement #sharialaw #franceriots #marseille #racism #crt #thegreatreplacement
#sharia #france #Replacement #FranceOnFire #greatreplacement #sharialaw #FranceRiots #marseille #racism #CRT #thegreatreplacement
Randale in #Frankreich: Ein Lehrbeispiel für Deutschland
#idgroup #FranceOnFire #FranceRiots #Masseneinwanderung
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Joachim_Kuhs/status/1675926002319478784
#Frankreich #idgroup #FranceOnFire #FranceRiots #Masseneinwanderung
French police chief: “This isn’t a riot… it’s a war”.
How soon before this same simmering war comes to our shores? #FranceRiots
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinDaubney/status/1675873533451292672
New podcast episode is out now: The Supreme Court Dropped Some Powerful Rulings (Ep. 177).
Follow my podcast, Patriot's Nation, and share it with your friends and family.
Available everywhere you find podcasts and on Rumble, Odysee, and Gab TV.
#Podcast #SupremeCourt #FranceRiots #Genocide
#podcast #supremecourt #FranceRiots #genocide
Allahu Akbar. https://n.respublicae.eu/GoldingBF/status/1675301124767621120
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Paul Golding: They’re chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they torch France. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire https://t.co/SgM27WVMug
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vilimsky/status/1675831296164081664
#FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire
Dans Le Figaro, le maire de #Nancy s'imagine "médiateur" entre "les forces de sécurité" et les jeunes", car le maire "reste une figure rassurante dans les moments de crise".🙄
Le genre de niaiserie qui nous a amenés au bord du gouffre.🥴#FranceRiots
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DominiqueBilde/status/1675808824077238273
Aber dieselben Altparteien locken weitere Migrantenmassen an. Sie wissen, dass Masseneinwanderung zu Zuständen wie in Frankreich führt, aber forcieren sie. Das ist nicht mit Dummheit erklärbar, es ist der Wille, Deutschland zu zerstören. https://n.respublicae.eu/chefreporternrw/status/1675554947876757504
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Frank Schneider: Nach schweren Ausschreitungen in #Frankreich: Innenminister Reul warnt vor dem Verlust ganzer Stadtteile in Deutschland! #Nanterre #FranceProtest #Paris #FranceRiots https://m.bild.de/regional/duesseldorf/duesseldorf-aktuell/ausschreitungen-in-frankreich-reul-warnt-vor-verlust-ganzer-stadtteile-84538262.bildMobile.html?wtmc=twttr.shr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/KrahMax/status/1675720205870276608
#Frankreich #Nanterre #FranceProtest #Paris #FranceRiots
Przechodnie w Lyon skandują:
„Raz, dwa, trzy, niech żyje Algieria!”
#émeutes #franceriots #Nanterre
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/D_Tarczynski/status/1675608467388743681
#émeutes #FranceRiots #Nanterre
Tuluza, Francja.
#FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots #Emeute #Nanterre
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/D_Tarczynski/status/1675521027210657792
#FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots #Emeute #Nanterre
La violencia de Francia que ya había saltado a Bélgica se extiende a Suiza. En Lausana, grupos de jóvenes de origen inmigrante saquearon tiendas y se enfrentaron a la policía. https://n.respublicae.eu/GoldingBF/status/1675277841187983360
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Paul Golding: The riots and looting in France and Belgium spread tonight to Switzerland too.
Stores were looted in the city of Lausanne and rioters clashed with the riot police. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire https://t.co/JZJKBgI0FS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hermanntertsch/status/1675288457810268161
#FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire
EU-Gerichtshof gängelt #Ungarn: Ist #Grenzschutz gegen Illegale illegal?
#idgroup #orban #hungary #franceriots #frankreich
https://www.facebook.com/joachimkuhs/posts/pfbid029uxb5uqfExd8SyWDPDUih6Z5HCn491ReNUsVkogzEDEnBpvgGgJTPwcPTugu88TLl https://t.co/UFtmqpTKLr
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Joachim_Kuhs/status/1675195833329786880
#Ungarn #Grenzschutz #idgroup #Orban #hungary #FranceRiots #Frankreich
Be Like Poland! 🇵🇱
#Marseille #Emeutes #Emeute
#paris #nahel #Nanterre
#FranceOnFire #FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots https://t.co/55egt8KRC2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/D_Tarczynski/status/1675112414323306496
#Marseille #emeutes #Emeute #Paris #Nahel #Nanterre #FranceOnFire #FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots
#FranceRiots BBC yesterday: Far Right are to blame
#FranceRiots The Times today: The Radical Left are to blame
Elephant in room: What's the key demographic none of them are keen to blame?
Join me today on @GBNEWS Saturday 12-3pm today for a full & frank analysis of what's… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1675045343837257730 https://t.co/R4mSSoC6lh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MartinDaubney/status/1675045343837257730
Merci @alirabeh. https://n.respublicae.eu/patricialoison/status/1674847654096797714
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Patricia Loison: "Vous n'avez pas l'impression qu'on vit un éternel recommencement ?Vous savez quoi, je suis le maire de Trappes, et j'en ai ras-le-bol."
Le Maire de Trappes, @alirabeh sur France Info📺
#émeutes #Nahel #FranceRiots https://t.co/L96imki48j
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mbompard/status/1674885736661655552
If you look at the #FranceRiots, I understand that the leaders of the Visegrad countries do not agree with the EU’s new Migration and Asylum Pact.
They want to keep their countries safe. And that's exactly their job. That's what they were chosen for.
https://n.respublicae.eu/Douglasmaher/status/1674582150077718529?s=20 https://n.respublicae.eu/visegrad24/status/1673420344437141514
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Visegrád 24: BREAKING:
The Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group meet in Bratislava today and stated that they are all against the mandatory migrant relocation quotas in the EU’s new Migration and Asylum Pact.
🇵🇱🇨🇿🇸🇰🇭🇺 https://t.co/9RBPsqvEwd
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Rob_Roos/status/1674890237166723073
RT FRANCE 24 English
Re @ofarry @markowenf24 @ArmenGeorgian 🔴🇫🇷 In response to recent #FranceRiots, Macron announces new measures:
➖ Cancellation of some festivities in the most sensitive departments
➖ More resources to the interior ministry to investigate rioters
➖ Social media calling for looting to be regulated https://t.co/Pc0VSvpXVP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/France24_en/status/1674757684493467648