RT DW Español
Medio ONG e instituciones internacionales condenan "los ataques racistas, clasistas y misóginos contra la primera vicepresidenta #afrodescendiente , #FranciaMárquez en la prensa tradicional y #RedesSociales ". (jov) #racismo #misoginia #aporofobia https://p.dw.com/p/4T0LQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dw_espanol/status/1672328925941202944
#Afrodescendiente #FranciaMárquez #RedesSociales #racismo #misoginia #aporofobia
Colòmbia, de la revolta social a la victòria de Petro i Márquez https://directa.cat/colombia-de-la-revolta-social-a-la-victoria-de-petro-i-marquez/ #FranciaMárquez #ManuelRozental #Gustavo Petro #Álvaro Uribe #ParoNacional #Ivan Duque #Rodaelmón #Colòmbia
#FranciaMárquez #ManuelRozental #gustavo #álvaro #paronacional #ivan #rodaelmón #colòmbia
#Racism #misogynoirism
This is the #VicePresidentOfColombia
#FranciaMárquez is a #LAWYER and #environmentalactivist who won awards for her work.
The next moron who starts her bio with the sentence '...she's a single mother' ; if they never mention that she is an award-winning LAWYER and environmental activist, I'm going to drama-slap 'em!!
#racism #misogynoirism #colombia #VicePresidentOfColombia #FranciaMárquez #lawyer #environmentalactivist
> That means taking on the challenge we have as humankind today to bring a halt to the #EnvironmentalCrisis. And for that, we propose a transition from an extractive industries-based investment policy to sustainable energy and to having a system of economic production that puts life at the center. That is why I have been proposing a program of #agroecological productive projects and with the idea of #FoodSovereignty being the top issue.
#FranciaMárquez #Colombia
#colombia #FranciaMárquez #foodsovereignty #agroecological #environmentalcrisis
> .. the idea that in Colombia a new form of government is possible.. built up from the Black, Indigenous and peasant peoples from the very different sectors of the community, LGBTIQ+, from the youth, from the women, from the small farmers of #Colombia, those who have been no one — that is to say, who have never had a voice in the government.. we can write our own history, a history that will make it possible to live with #dignity, with #justice..
#FranciaMárquez #justice #dignity #colombia
> #PlanColombia.. a failed #DrugWar that analyst #BrendonLee, in.. the #HarvardInternationalReview, described as, “largely ineffective, causing drug production to expand into other countries and creating a militarized #WarOnDrugs that has victimized countless Colombian citizens.”
#GustavoPetro and #FranciaMárquez have vowed to take the country in a different direction, moving away from aerial fumigation and focusing instead on eradicating #poverty among #farming communities.
#farming #poverty #FranciaMárquez #gustavopetro #warondrugs #HarvardInternationalReview #BrendonLee #drugwar #plancolombia
#GustavoPetro ha vinto le elezioni e sarà il primo Presidente di sinistra nella storia della #Colombia!
Al suo fianco come Vicepresidente ci sarà #FranciaMárquez, paladina delle lotte femministe e ambientaliste.
Un bel giorno per la Colombia e l’America Latina. Buon lavoro!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/brandobenifei/status/1538863661321752576
#GustavoPetro #colombia #FranciaMárquez
Eufòria a Colòmbia per la fi de l’uribisme https://directa.cat/euforia-a-colombia-per-la-fi-de-luribisme/ #FranciaMárquez #Internacional #Gustavo Petro #Colòmbia #Putumayo #Bogotà #Nariño #Cauca #Chocó
#FranciaMárquez #internacional #gustavo #colòmbia #Putumayo #bogotà #nariño #cauca #chocó
La Colòmbia empobrida es bolca en la campanya de Petro i Márquez https://directa.cat/la-colombia-empobrida-es-bolca-en-la-campanya-de-petro-i-marquez/ #MovimentAlternatiuIndígenaiSocial(MAIS) #FedericoGutiérrez #RodolfoHernández #FranciaMárquez #Internacional #ClaudiaInseca #Gustavo Petro #KarenGrisales #RadioCaracol #DonaldTrump #Colòmbia #Medellín #Putumayo #Nariño #Cauca #Chocó #RCN
#MovimentAlternatiuIndígenaiSocial #FedericoGutiérrez #RodolfoHernández #FranciaMárquez #internacional #ClaudiaInseca #gustavo #KarenGrisales #RadioCaracol #donaldtrump #colòmbia #medellín #Putumayo #nariño #cauca #chocó #rcn
Victòria amarga del progressisme a Colòmbia https://directa.cat/victoria-amarga-del-progressisme-a-colombia/ #FedericoGutiérrez #RodolfoHernández #FranciaMárquez #Internacional #Gustavo Petro #Álvaro Uribe #Colòmbia #Bogotà #Cauca #Cali
#FedericoGutiérrez #RodolfoHernández #FranciaMárquez #internacional #gustavo #álvaro #colòmbia #bogotà #cauca #cali
Colòmbia podria deixar enrere l’uribisme aquest diumenge https://directa.cat/colombia-podria-deixar-enrere-luribisme-aquest-diumenge/ #FranciaMárquez #Internacional #Gustavo Petro #Álvaro Uribe #Colòmbia #uribisme #Uribe
#FranciaMárquez #internacional #gustavo #álvaro #colòmbia #uribisme #uribe
Una escletxa per al progressisme a Colòmbia https://directa.cat/una-escletxa-per-al-progressisme-a-colombia/ #eleccionspresidencials #FranciaMárquez #GustavoPrieto #Rodaelmón #Colòmbia #uribisme
#eleccionspresidencials #FranciaMárquez #GustavoPrieto #rodaelmón #colòmbia #uribisme
Francia Márquez: luchar contra la minería https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn77QbQ4AgE #FranciaMárquez
Meet #FranciaMárquez, the #AfroColombian #LandDefender Running to Be #Colombia's First Black #VP
In an exclusive broadcast interview, we speak with leading Afro-Colombian environmental activist Francia Márquez Mina, who has just been picked by Colombian ...
#democracynow #FranciaMárquez #AfroColombian #LandDefender #colombia #vp