Saša Terzić · @SashaTerzic
30 followers · 268 posts · Server

Ruski poraz i poniženje bi srušili narativ o prednostima autoritarne vlasti i možda doveli do obnove demokratskog samopouzdanja.
Društva u zapadnim demokratijama olako shvataju mir i prosperitet liberalnog svetskog poretka.
Kao da svaka generacija ponovo uči lekciju da alternative liberalnoj demokratiji vode u nasilje, represiju i ekonomsku propast.


Last updated 2 years ago

Saša Terzić · @SashaTerzic
30 followers · 268 posts · Server

Rat u Ukrajini označava kritičnu prekretnicu koja će odrediti tok globalne demokratije.
Prvo je pitanje zašto je uopšte došlo do rata.
Druga kritična tačka tiče se zapadne solidarnosti u podršci Ukrajini.
Treće, ruski vojni neuspeh – što u najmanju ruku znači oslobađanje teritorija osvojenih posle 24. februara 2022 – imao bi ogroman politički odjek širom sveta.


👀 🔗 ⤵️

#pescanik #FrancisFukuyama

Last updated 2 years ago

2nd day of is starting off with @VeraJourova @Farida_N and @Almagro_OEA2015


#Forum2000 #FrancisFukuyama

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2082 followers · 14676 posts · Server

@CarlMuckenhoupt Freedom and power to me describe different elements of goal-attainment.

Power refers to the active and instrumental element. That is, power is the specific capacity to initiate change.

Freedom refers to constraints on power, a sort of negative space. Freedom is the ability to act without inhibition, but it isn't the action itself.

So ... closely related, yes. Negative spaces, yes. Synonyms: no, though clearly closely related.


#tootstorm #power #freedom #vetocracy #highspeedrail #CaliforniaHSR #JKGalbraith #CodignPower #CompensatoryPower #ConditionedPower #AnatomyOfPower #FrancisFukuyama

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14632 posts · Server

Vetocracy: I'd been thinking recently (and thought I'd posted) on the notion of a politics of veto emerging where numerous actors of roughly equal strength exist. That is, no one power bloc can make things happen, but numerous single parties can keep things from happening.

I've just learned that Francis Fukuyama coined the term vetocracy to describe this, and for about a decade has applied this term to the US and other political scenes.

Which makes me think I may be on to something.

(A repost / typo correction from about a year ago:

#politicaltheory #veto #vetocracy #FrancisFukuyama

Last updated 4 years ago