greetings from / the temporarily living
Dear Frank O’Hara
Ken Pobo
#Keats is the poet of enthusiasm, and perhaps these exclamation marks should be read as part of the older tradition of 'admiration marks' -- they include something speculative, questioning. Some of my favourite poems that use ! also involve addresses to things that don't usually speak or are hard to get to know. Here's 'Les Etiquettes Jaunes' #FrankOHara
“I am ashamed of my century, but I have to smile.” #FrankOHara
#poetry #literature #LitStudies @litstudies
#litstudies #literature #poetry #FrankOHara
Earlier this year I started an old school .plan-style blog. Here's November so far:
#punk #frankohara #leadership #mastodontip #strategicempathy
#strategicempathy #mastodontip #leadership #FrankOHara #punk
“oh god it’s wonderful
to get out of bed
and drink too much coffee
and smoke too many cigarettes
and love you so much”
#FrankOHara #poetry #poetrytoots #poetsofmastadon #currentmood
#currentmood #poetsofmastadon #poetrytoots #poetry #FrankOHara
@shanna That was lovely. Thanks for sharing. I love #FrankOHara but #TerenceHayes is new to me.
Before the end of #VerseThursday how about an #essay on #FrankOHara by Terrance Hayes? From the new Court Green that just dropped. (+ gratuitous pics because they are both so handsome)
#FrankOHara #essay #VerseThursday
#CormacMcCarthy #GabrielGarciaMarquez #jorgeluisborges #RobertoBolano #jrrtolkien #Kerouac #FrankOHara #JoseSaramago #stephenking #bookstodon #reading #writersofmastodon