Huzurum Nerede · @huzurumnerede
75 followers · 28 posts · Server

Hareketleri biraz ağırlaşmıştı, bunun nedeni yorgunluk değil, anıların yarattığı yüktü.


Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1305 followers · 2937 posts · Server

Today in Writing History May 27, 1884: Writer Max Brod was born. He is most famous as Franz Kafka’s friend and biographer. Kafka had asked him to burn his unpublished manuscripts. Instead, he famously published them. However, Brod was also an accomplished writer himself, well-known in Germany. He also mentored other writers. His endorsement of Juroslav Hasek’s hilarious anti-war satire, The Good Soldier Svejk, was crucial to its success. He was also a Zionist disciple of Martin Buber. And in 1939, he and his wife fled to Palestine to escape the Nazis, who burned his books in the book burning of 1933.


#LaborHistory #workingclass #nazis #zionism #racism #antisemitism #palestine #censorship #FranzKafka #maxbrod #writer #author #fiction #books

Last updated 1 year ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
111 followers · 335 posts · Server

, , ,

»Übrigens sah der Verurteilte so hündisch ergeben aus, daß es den Anschein hatte, als könnte man ihn frei auf den Abhängen herumlaufen lassen und mıüsse bei Beginn der Exekution nur pfeifen, damit er käme.«

Freely Translated:

"By the way, the convicted man looked so canine devoted that it seemed as if he could be left to run around freely on the slopes and only had to whistle at the beginning of the execution to make him come."

Franz Kafka ❤️💜🖤

#Literature #kafka #FranzKafka #prozess

Last updated 2 years ago

"Her şeyi yanlış yorumluyorsunuz,
Suskunluğu bile..."


Last updated 2 years ago

Torsten Larbig · @herrlarbig
1085 followers · 434 posts · Server

Franz , Die

»Früh, als die Türen versperrt waren, hatten alle zu ihm hereinkommen wollen, jetzt, da er die eine Tür geöffnet hatte und die anderen offenbar während des Tages geöffnet worden waren, kam keiner mehr und die Schlüssel steckten nun auch von außen.«

#kafka #Verwandlung #FranzKafka #dieverwandlung #FediLZ #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Diakhôra · @diakhora
3 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello w̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ Set-of-interconnected-self-actualising-machines!

I intend this to be somewhat of an introduction, although I do realise that it would constitute a rather bizarre greeting in real life. This won't be a personal account, by that I mean I don't intend to post personal content (i.e. about my real world identity). This isn't really for anonymity, despite admittedly being quite a shy person, I think it's more to do with not wanting to attempt a serious explanation of my context, something which I doubt is achievable through this medium. For me underrepresentation is better than misrepresentation, although I understand if people find my presentation here dishonest or unaccountable.

I'll use this account partly for listening, a sampling spoon through which to experience the soup of conversation and thought. I'll also do some tooting, I like this word, I might have said contributing, tossing new, or maybe reused, ingredients into the soup, but that gives the impression, I think, of some final objective, an endpoint. Most likely, listening will be the larger of these two parts, and at least for the short term, both parts, the whole, will occupy very little of my time. Expect sporadicity and inconsistency!

I also wanted to say something about what I am interested in, this is difficult since if I just say a lot of words then what is there to relate my meaning, my intentions, to the meaning which you understand? "Language disguises thought" - Wittgenstein. Well after much deliberation and many sleepless nights I decided to... just say a lot of words, although do bear in mind that the following list is just that, merely a collection of words that I, at the time of writing, happened to perceive as having meanings that corresponded, perhaps imperfectly, to topics that I am interested in. Interested does not necessarily mean fully-endorse/believe/would-describe-myself-as/is-knowledgeable-about.

#philosophy #absurdism #existentialism #anarchism #communism #anticapitalism #MutualAid #prefiguration #ontology #phenomenology #poststructuralism #structuralism #mathematics #Chaos #topology #imagination #Art #education #linguistics #Literature #Music #machines #networks #cybernetics #systems #sustainability #ecology #technology #sciencefiction #utopia #davidgraeber #davidwengrow #murraybookchin #noamchomsky #peterkropotkin #adamcurtis #kenloach #albertcamus #gillesdeleuze #JacquesDerrida #jeanpaulsartre #MarkFisher #simonedebeauvoir #FranzKafka #georgeorwell #PercyByssheShelley #maryshelley #ursulakleguin

Last updated 2 years ago

Stylo · @stylo_the_unicorn
53 followers · 269 posts · Server

, , ,

»Übrigens sah der Verurteilte so hündisch ergeben aus, daß es den Anschein hatte, als könnte man ihn frei auf den Abhängen herumlaufen lassen und mıüsse bei Beginn der Exekution nur pfeifen, damit er käme.«

Translated by deepl:

"By the way, the condemned man looked so dog-like devoted that it seemed as if he could be left to run around freely on the slopes and only had to whistle at the beginning of the execution to make him come."

Franz Kafka ❤️💜🖤

#Literature #kafka #FranzKafka #prozess

Last updated 2 years ago

fantasyguide · @lapismont
150 followers · 1470 posts · Server

Es ist schon unheimlig, wie es schafft, , Krimi und Humor zu mixen.
Kafka und der Tote am Seil ist , wie ich sie bisher noch nicht las. Bin schon sehr gespannt drauf, zu erfahren, was nun dahinter steckt. Hab hundert Seiten vor Schluss noch keine Ahnung.
Aber Franz Kafka als Ermittler, was für eine Idee!

#jonsteinhagen #FranzKafka #Phantastik

Last updated 2 years ago

SedenKPRL · @SedenKPRL
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

Ölümün olduğu bu dünyada,
hiçbir şey çok da ciddi değildir aslında..


Last updated 2 years ago

Wer den noch nicht gesehen hat oder ihn nochmal sehen möchte: "Ich, Daniel Blake" ist in der - zu finden.

Das Drama von zeigt den Kampf eines vom ausgespuckten gegen die Mühlen der britischen Sozialhilfeverwaltung. Im Film sind zudem viele Parallelen zum -System inkl. der Schikanen zu erkennen.
lässt grüßen.

#film #3sat #mediathek #kenloach #kapitalismus #Lohnabhängigen #hartz4 #FranzKafka

Last updated 2 years ago

Bottega Del Barbieri · @bottegadelbarbieri
154 followers · 2865 posts · Server
Bottega Del Barbieri · @bottegadelbarbieri
154 followers · 2865 posts · Server
Bottega Del Barbieri · @bottegadelbarbieri
154 followers · 2865 posts · Server