Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1458 followers · 104859 posts · Server

@EyalL @Free_Press they regularly do pursue investigations, espechally if the claims just happen very recently after signup or very often or at suspiciously high amounts.

There's an entire & imdustriy in that automates that with pattern detections and before everyone claimed a that is stupider than should be accepted as ""...

#AI #cleverbot #chatbot #bigdata #Finance #fraudprevention #FraudDetection

Last updated 1 year ago

@peterrenshaw · @peterrenshaw
291 followers · 629 posts · Server

“Yes, there are tools out there for detecting plagiarized and machine-written text, but they are prone to false negatives and positives. One of the companies selling these services is even playing both sides, offering a tool to help authors prevent detection. Even if used solely for preliminary scoring and later reviewed by staff, automating these third-party tools into a submissions process would be costly. I don’t think any of the short fiction markets can currently afford the expense.”

There is a market for fraud detection if the tools are good enough and cheap enough.

/ / <>

#neilclarke #writing #ai #FraudDetection

Last updated 2 years ago

Doc Edward Morbius ⭕​ · @dredmorbius
2071 followers · 14642 posts · Server

Benford's Law turns out to be a poor test for election fraud

"Why do Biden's votes not follow Benford's Law?"

The distribution of values fails to meet the multiple orders of magnitude requirement for applying Benford's Law.

"Benford's Law and the Detection of Election Fraud"

Abstract: The proliferation of elections in even those states that are arguably anything but democratic has given rise to a focused interest on developing methods for detecting fraud in the official statistics of a state's election returns. Among these efforts are those that employ Benford's Law, with the most common application being an attempt to proclaim some election or another fraud free or replete with fraud. This essay, however, argues that, despite its apparent utility in looking at other phenomena, Benford's Law is problematical at best as a forensic tool when applied to elections....

#ForensicAccounting #FraudDetection #BenfordsLaw #elections

Last updated 4 years ago