@matthewguy It's very possible to reject "wokeness" and to be left-wing. #FreddieDeBoer is a good example.
Here's an essay he wrote about what it means to be "woke": https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/of-course-you-know-what-woke-means
A good piece on YIMBYism by #FreddieDeBoer https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/the-yimby-movement-demonstrates-social
"Contrarianism is monetizable in our current media landscape. I know because I’ve monetized it." #FreddieDeBoer https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/the-democrats-are-bad-but-we-cant
// i love how self-aware he is about this stuff, from a very well-calibrated piece
That's #FreddieDeBoer at https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/p/that-one-side-would-like-to-utterly
Via #RodDreher
That is a brief description of what #FreddieDeBoer means by #Marxism .
#AstralCodexTen #marxism #FreddieDeBoer
You know how American governments have been cutting back on education spending since neoliberals took power?
Since 1980, public spending on primary and secondary schools has increased from about 3.5% of GDP to over 4%.
#education #uspol #FreddieDeBoer
"And you have Felix Salmon, to whom I can only tip my hat. Can there be more than a half dozen journalists/writers/commentators who make $500,000/year from their writing itself? I’m not weeping any tears about the pay at the top, except that pay at the top says something meaningful about pay at the bottom."
This is a gracious thing to write, and surprising from a #socialist like #FreddieDeBoer.
#inequality #FelixSalmon #FreddieDeBoer #socialist
"And so you look out at the landscape and you have an entire profession of people who are saying the exact same thing and saying it the exact same way. They know that everyone else has failed to rise to their impossible moral standards for the oppressed of the world and they will tell you that with tired sarcasm"
If You Want to Make It As a Writer, For God's Sakes, Be Weird - Freddie deBoer
@pegobry@mstdn.foxfam.club #FreddieDeBoer doesn't seem to be very fond of the #NYTimes.