Kent Borg · @kentborg
88 followers · 3875 posts · Server

@xe1val Fun!

I am reminded of the book "The Day of the Jackal".

(Crutches, also repurposed, but in a more lethal way. Um, technically the crutches were the disguise, not the original thing, but I'm still reminded!)

#hamradio #dayofthejackal #FrederickForsyth

Last updated 1 year ago

Qyv (;* Mr. Squelch *;) 🍍 · @PhotonQyv
369 followers · 16841 posts · Server

The first time I came across / was when I was playing a computer game based on by back in the 80s. The first line of the poem is used in-game to encode a message that you have to decipher.

I went into school & spoke to my English teacher who was kind enough to photocopy the entire poem for me, which in the end I didn't actually need.

I really hated the rat in a maze bit, oh & was disappointed to be unable to visit Riga (:*

#samueltaylorcoleridge #thefourthprotocol #FrederickForsyth #KublaiKhan

Last updated 2 years ago